Greetings and happy holidays!
May these festive days bring you and your closest ones joy, happiness, love, and inner peace.
University American College Skopje
May these festive days bring you and your closest ones joy, happiness, love, and inner peace.
University American College Skopje
University American College Skopje is taking an active part in the project “Leaders of the Green Economy” with the faculty of Economics, DOBA – Faculty of Applied Business and Social Studies Maribor, Economics Faculty – EFRI in Rijeka, and the University of Ruse “Angel Kanchev”, Ruse, Bulgaria who are involved in the implementation of this…
Денеска, во просториите на УАКС се организираше настанот “Кој сака да биде Корупционер”. Настанот е во рамките на проектот „ЗдравоЗаГотово“ во организација на Центарот за социјални иновации Blink 42-21, ELSA North Macedonia (Европско здружение на студенти по право) во соработка со УАКС. Студентите, професорите, асистентите и останатите претставници во високото образование имаат можност преку дигитална…
Заинтересираноста за Erasmus+ инфо сесијата за Академската 2021/2022 година беше огромна! Студентите имаа можност одблиску да се информираат околу Ерасмус+ можностите за студирање на семестар во странство и да се запознаат со сите чекори во процесот на апликација. Формата за Апликација започнува денеска на следниот линк:
Dear students, It is our great honor and pleasure to invite you to the Career Days event at University American College Skopje, which will take place on: Part I Workshop for writing CV/bio and how to prepare for your first job interview 10.2.2020 (Monday), 9am, Amphitheater 1 (4th floor) 11.2.2020 (Tuesday), 12am, Classroom L3 (4th floor) Part II Motivational speeches…
Today, as part of the International Week at UACS, guest lecture on the topic “The impact of brand equity dimensions on university reputation: an empirical study of Georgian higher education.” was held by Mr. Tornike Khoshtaria. Tornike Khoshtaria is a Doctor of Business Administration coming from Georgia. In 2003, he successfully graduated from Tbilisi State University…
The cooperation between the School of Architecture and Design and the municipalities in Macedonia is a long-term practice, implemented during the learning process at the undergraduate and graduate studies. Through the process of defining, research analysis and project implementation, the students, on the basis of their year of studies and their study concentration, possess the…