Greetings and happy holidays!
May these festive days bring you and your closest ones joy, happiness, love, and inner peace.
University American College Skopje
May these festive days bring you and your closest ones joy, happiness, love, and inner peace.
University American College Skopje
Dear students, The UACS library has an open position for an internship. It is available to all UACS students. If you are interested in the position, please send an e-mail to
On October 16, UACS undergraduate students in the class “Ecology and Sustainable Development” and lecturer Andrej Gjokikj visited the waste management company Sunilens. With the view of presenting industry experiences and real-life solutions to students when learning about the environment and sustainability, the visit provided a direct insight into an environmentally-friendly and innovative business model…
On 12 October, 2017, our guest lecturer, Ana Poprizova, psychotherapist, trainer and supervisor in Gestalts Psychotherapy from the Institute “Synergy” and psychologist at Gymnasium “Orce Nikolov”, gave a presentation on the topic “Gestalts Psychology and Psychotherapy – Philosophy of Living”. The presentation was followed by UACS students of Psychology as a part of the courses in Child and…
По повод претседателските избори во САД, Факултетот за политички науки при Универзитет Американ Колеџ Скопје традиционално, по четврти пат, организира специјален настан и симулација на гласање. Денеска, на 29 октомври, се одржа вебинар со г. Ерик Елиот, претставник на Амбасадата на САД во Скопје, РС Македонија, кој го претстави американскиот изборен модел и спецификите на…
Dean of UACS School of Foreign Languages, Associate Professor Marjana Vaneva, PhD, has published a paper titled: “On the Productivity of the Prototypical Noun to Verb Zero Derivation Process in English”. The paper is published in the International Journal of Multidisciplinary and Current Research, USA, in the September/October 2016 issue, with a Global Impact Factor…
Committed to promoting literature among high school students, UACS School of Foreign Languages is organizing the Eleventh Annual Reading Competition. This year’s competition will honor the 100th anniversary of James Joyce’s literary masterpiece Ulysses. Ulysses was first serialized in parts in the American journal The Little Review from March 1918 to December 1920 and then…