On Friday 13 November 2020, Dr. Minke Hajer, postdoctoral researcher at the Graduate School in Social and Political Sciences at the University of Milan, will deliver a guest lecture titled “The Mediated Border: Irregular Migrants and the Media” for UACS second year students of political science who take the course in Media & Politics with Dr. Ivo Bosilkov. The lecture will address the increasingly pervasive phenomenon of irregular migration in Europe and the role of media in it.
Dr. Minke Hajer is a sociologist and ethnographer with a PhD and MSc degree from the University of Amsterdam. Her research focuses on undocumented migrants and the notions of citizenship. Most recently she co-authored an article published in the European Journal of Cultural and Political Sociology, theorizing how undocumented migrants make and locate political claims in the urban space of Amsterdam.
Date: Friday 13 November 2020, 9-11 am.
The lecture is open to the public and will be organised online via this link. All welcome!