Internship opportunity in the UACS Library
Dear students,
The UACS library has an open position for an internship. It is available to all UACS students.
If you are interested in the position, please send an e-mail to
Dear students,
The UACS library has an open position for an internship. It is available to all UACS students.
If you are interested in the position, please send an e-mail to
On 18 April 2017, the freelance translator and interpreter, founder and former president of the Macedonian Translators Association (MATA), Ms Irena Kacarski-Kimova, visited the UACS School of Foreign Languages second-year undergraduate students who take the course Preparation for Translation and Interpreting with their course instructor, Assoc. Prof. Marjana Vaneva, PhD. As an experienced translator and…
Известување од УАКС Фондација за конечен список на кандидати добитници на 6 стипендии согласно објавен конкурс за доделување шест целосни стипендии за прв циклус студии за студенти во прва година во академската 2022/2023 година на Универзитет Американ Колеџ Скопје. Согласно критериумите за бодување од Конкурсот и постигнатите резултати добитници на 6 стипендии за прв циклус студии…
UACS School of Foreign Languages invites high-school students to our engaging and interactive webinars series on topics related to the English language, manga and funfiction, AI, gaming, and second language acquisition. Our webinars are tailored for creative young people eager to discover or enhance their knowledge in character analysis and creation, storytelling in gaming, and…
Prof. Paula Rodríguez – Torrico, PhD, from the University of Burgos, Spain, focuses her research on omnichannel marketing, digital marketing and the impact of technology on consumer behavior and their decision-making process. She has published her work in high-impact scientific journals and has received awards for her work. As a guest speaker, she actively participates…
Ви ја претставуваме нашата одлична група на истакнати говорители за форумот SHARE Skopje 2022! Форумот SHARE Skopje 2022 на 15-ти ноември ќе има одлична група на говорители од Холандија, Обединетото Кралство, Шпанија, Унгарија, Романија, Косово и Северна Македонија. Настанот ќе се одржи во Македонската филхармонија. Меѓународниот Архитектонски и Инженерски форум – SHARE го слави своето…
Ana Karanfilova-Maznevska, MSc, Head of the Waste Management Sector in the Ministy of Environment and Physical Planning (MZSP), was a guest lecturer at UACS, as part of the course “Ecology and Sustainable Growth”, with lecturer Andrej Gjokikj on February 26. As a prominent expert on all aspects of waste management, including legal and technical expertise…