Kapital interviews Marija Anastasovska Nikolova, Ph.D. and graduate at the UACS Doctoral School
“The Skills and Knowledge Gained During My Doctoral Studies Helped Me Raise My Research Abilities to a Higher Level.”
“The Skills and Knowledge Gained During My Doctoral Studies Helped Me Raise My Research Abilities to a Higher Level.”
As part of the process of integrating theory with real-world of practice, the UACS SBEM Master students in Marketing experienced a one day visit to Quehenberger Logistics Macedonia, Skopje branch. Company visits represent an excellent opportunity for connecting concepts and curriculum taught in the classroom with operations in the business world. Therefore, Master students in…
On March, 1, 2017, UACS SPS students taking the course in Administrative Law and Public Administration with the course instructor, Asst. Prof. Marina Andeva, PhD, had a unique opportunity to follow a presentation on U.S. Hatch Act. The presentation was delivered by Ms. Ana Galindo-Marrone, Chief of the Hatch Act Unit at the U.S. Office of Special Counsel…
We’re so proud of our students who were volunteers of Apostolic journey of Pope Francis at Ecumenical and Interreligious meeting with young people!
UACS SBEM professor, Marjan Petreski, PhD has been awarded by the Central European Free Trade Agreement (CEFTA) Secretariat and the London School of Economics (LSE) for his paper titled: “Has CEFTA increased members’ trade? Evidence with an enlarged set of plausibly exogenous instruments” on the occasion of 10 years of the CEFTA agreement. The conference…
On October 9, 2017 (Monday), the finance students of the School of Business Economics and Management, spent the day learning first hand about the Ministry of Finance and its function, as well as the general internal operations. They met with many representatives from various sectors in the Ministry, that described their main area of focus…
Ева Барамачева е првата дипломирана студентка од Катедрата по психологија при УАКС. Таа одбрани дипломски труд под менторство на доц. д-р Димитринка Јорданова Пешевска. Честитки за Ева! Оваа година дипломира првата генерација психолози. Им посакуваме успешна кариера!Ги охрабруваме идните студенти да се запишат на студии по психологија, на англиски јазик, само на Универзитет Американ Колеџ Скопје….