Make – up exam schedule
Dear students,
Here are the links to the make-up examination schedule:
Факултет за Архитектура и Дизајн поправна сесија есен 2018.xls
Make-up Exam Schedule for Fall 2018.xls
Break a leg!
Dear students,
Here are the links to the make-up examination schedule:
Факултет за Архитектура и Дизајн поправна сесија есен 2018.xls
Make-up Exam Schedule for Fall 2018.xls
Break a leg!
This May 13th, the University American College Skopje was proud to host such an impressive celebration of knowledge and inspiration. With positive energy filling the campus, our guests and future students immersed themselves into the world of UACS, discovering our academic programs, our professors and their dedication and expertise, and also discovering our vibrant student…
On 29 November 2017, Prof. Dr. Elizabeta Mukaetova Ladinski, Chair in Old Age Psychiatry at the Department of Neuroscience, Psychology and Behaviour, University of Leicester, UK, and Visiting Professor at UACS, delivered a lecture on ‘Aging, Dementia and the Role of Psychologist in a Memory Clinic’ for the UACS undergraduate students of psychology. The latter had the opportunity…
Цементарница УСЈЕ во склоп на Групацијата ТИТАН го потпиша Пактот за поддршка на младите на Европската унија (“Pact for Youth”), за зајакнување на партнерството помеѓу компаниите и образованието, а во насока на зголемување на можностите за вработување на младите талентирани луѓе. Како дел од Програмата за поттикнување на вработување и развој на млади таленти, Цементарница…
Angela, you are behind the brand Angie M. What kind of a label it is and what is your part in it? Angie M. is a unique, sophisticated and modern brand that creates its own fashion stamp, striving to become one of the leading brands in the domestic and global market. The main focus of…
Yesterday, on March 27th, we were honored to welcome a distinguished guest speaker to our Entrepreneurship class. Dejan Kalinikov, the CEO of SEAF Macedonia, graced us with his presence. Dejan holds the esteemed position of Managing Director at SEAF Macedonia and SPMG Capital, a prominent Macedonian fund management company overseeing two private equity funds, SIF…
On 28.09.2017, the book “Contemporary diplomatic methods and their implementation in the Macedonian diplomacy” by H.E. Danco Markovski, Assistant Professor at UACS School of Political Science, was promoted at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Macedonia. Promoters of the book were H.E. Milan Jazbec (ambassador of the Republic of Slovenia) and H.E….