Make – up exam schedule
Dear students,
Here are the links to the make-up examination schedule:
Факултет за Архитектура и Дизајн поправна сесија есен 2018.xls
Make-up Exam Schedule for Fall 2018.xls
Break a leg!
Dear students,
Here are the links to the make-up examination schedule:
Факултет за Архитектура и Дизајн поправна сесија есен 2018.xls
Make-up Exam Schedule for Fall 2018.xls
Break a leg!
Today, Prof. Marjan Bojadziev, Ph.D. and Rector at the University American College Skopje held an online lecture as a visiting professor at Saxion University of Applied Sciences, in the Netherlands. Speaking to Saxion’s students, the professor’s presentation focused on the topic “Why some entrepreneurial business succeeds and some fail”, delving deeper into the entrepreneurial culture…
Денес, 16-ти октомври 2019, Катедрата за психологија при Универзитетот Американ Колеџ Скопје (УАКС) организираше работилница на тема „Социјално и емоционално учење и развој во услови на современ начин на живот – предизвици на младите луѓе“, која се одржа во просториите на Универзитетот. Предавач на работилницата беше меѓународниот експерт на УНИЦЕФ и научен истражувач од Универзитетот…
Today, Dr. Sarah Geegan, an Assistant Professor of Integrated Strategic Communication from the University of Kentucky, held a presentation to the UACS School of Business Economics and Management students, as part of the Planning and Strategy class led by prof. Snezhana Hristova Ph.D. During her presentation, our students had the privilege to learn more about…
Our professor Marjan Petreski participated in the XXIII Conference on International Economics (Jornadas de Economía Internacional), which took place in Malaga, Spain, June 16-17, 2022 and organized by The Spanish Association of International Economics and Finance (AEEFI). The presented paper “Minimum wage and manufacturing labor share: Evidence form North Macedonia” prof. Petreski co-authored with prof. Jaakko…
UACS language instructor Ms. Jovanka Jovanchevska-Milenkoska, МА, together with the UACS SFL students Vanja Spasovska, Hilda Softic and Miranda Kadriu, will attend the 9th ELTAM INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE titled: “Re-imagining teaching: Rejuvenating and transforming classroom practices”, which will take place October 14-16, 2016, in Struga, Macedonia. Apart from having a joint poster presentation on English pronunciation for…
Dear students, You may find the updated class schedules for the Academic Year 2018/2019 for your school, on the links below: Распоред на предавања на Факултет за деловна економија и организациони науки за есенски семестар 2018/2019 Class schedule for the School of Business Economics and Management for the Fall Semester 2018/2019 Class schedule for the Tor Vergata Double Degree program for the Fall Semester 2018/2019…