Make-Up Exam Schedule (Spring Semester 2016)
Dear students,
The Make-Up Examination Schedule for the Spring Semester 2016 can be found on the link below.
The way you prepare for the exams will play a big part in your success at UACS.
Good luck!
Dear students,
The Make-Up Examination Schedule for the Spring Semester 2016 can be found on the link below.
The way you prepare for the exams will play a big part in your success at UACS.
Good luck!
On June 15, 2016, the UACS Alumni Association published the Newsletter for June 2016. In this issue of the Newsletter, you can read the full interview with Mr. Goran Trajkov, Consul General of Macedonia in New York, during which he talks regarding his life in the “Big Apple” and his experience as a UACS student….
On June 25, 2016 (Saturday), the official opening of the 4th International Summer School of Architecture and Design was held at Uanija house, the summer residence of the Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts (MANU). This year’s Summer School is organized by the UACS School of Architecture and Design, the Institute for Protection of Cultural…
Универзитет Американ колеџ Скопје, за потребите на студиската програма по Софтверско инженерство при Факултетот за компјутерска техника и информатика, има потреба од експерт за изведување на настава за одделни делови од наставен предмет. Потребни квалификации се: Магистратура по компјутерски науки; Активно познавање на англиски јазик; Познавање на програмски јазици – особено Java – и алгоритамско…
On 23 July, 2016, UACS professor, Assoc. Prof. Ilijana Petrovska, PhD, gave her first interview for the web portal She talked about the work and life in the academia and her experience as a visiting professor at the University of Rome Tor Vergata, Italy. The full interview with prof. Petrovska on can be…
During the period of 1 to 3 June 2016, Dr. Ivan Dodovski, Associate Professor in Critical Theory and Dean at UACS School of Political Science, has taken part in the Second international conference, titled “On the Soul”, which was held at the Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts, the Institute of Macedonian Literature, and the…
Prof. Nicolas Kfuri, PhD, an international visiting professor at University American College Skopje and one of the most prominent global business consultants and experts on marketing strategies, gave his first interview for the Kapital magazine. In the interview, he talked about the consumers of the year of 2020, preparing marketing strategies in the globalized world,…