Make-Up Exam Schedule (Spring Semester 2016)
Dear students,
The Make-Up Examination Schedule for the Spring Semester 2016 can be found on the link below.
The way you prepare for the exams will play a big part in your success at UACS.
Good luck!
Dear students,
The Make-Up Examination Schedule for the Spring Semester 2016 can be found on the link below.
The way you prepare for the exams will play a big part in your success at UACS.
Good luck!
Dear All, Please click on the following link in order to access the Call for Enrollment into First Cycle Undergraduate Study Programs of University American College Skopje in the Academic Year 2016/2017 – Second enrollment period. Regards, University American College Skopje
Dear future students, Hurry up! Today is the last day for early registration for UACS undergraduate study programs. Become a part of a University where you can get enriched by education, meet colleagues from all over the world and earn an internationally accredited diploma. Regards, University American College Skopje
During the period June 4-6, 2016, UACS professors, prof. Zoran Shapurikj, PhD and Assoc. Prof. Filip Ivanovski, PhD participated at the 6th International Conference of Ecosystems (ICE2016), which was held in Tirana, Albania. The Conference was organized by: University of Maryland (USA), Polytechnic University of Torino (Italy) and Polytechnic University of Tirana (Albania). During the plenary session, they presented…
Dear applicants, On the following Link you can find the preliminary list of results of the examination for awarding scholarships for UACS undergraduate studies for the Academic Year 2016/2017. Regards, UACS Foundation
Во периодот од 30 јануари до 5 февруари 2017 година, вон. проф. д-р Илијана Петровска беше визитинг професор по предметот „Маркетинг менаџмент“, кој го слушаат студентите на програмата по меѓународна бизнис администрација на Универзитетот за применети науки во Вормс, Германија. Предавањата беа одржани како резултат на успешната соработка со мрежата Решица. За време на еднонеделните…
On July 18, 2016, the UACS Alumni Association published the Newsletter No. 3 for July 2016. In this issue of the Newsletter, you can read the full interview with Mr. Christiaan Jaarsma, UACS student from the Netherlands, during which he talks regarding his life in Macedonia and his study experience at UACS. Moreover, you can…