Make – up examination schedule
Dear students,
Bellow you can find the schedules for the make up exam session for each school accordingly:
ФДЕИОН (поправна сесија пролет 2018)
ФАД (поправна сесија пролет 2018)
ФПРН (поправна сесија 2018) (3)
Dear students,
Bellow you can find the schedules for the make up exam session for each school accordingly:
ФДЕИОН (поправна сесија пролет 2018)
ФАД (поправна сесија пролет 2018)
ФПРН (поправна сесија 2018) (3)
On December 22, 2023, Bosko Stankovski, MPhil, a Senior Programme Officer in Governance/Democratization at the OSCE Mission in Kosovo, shared his knowledge and experience with the students of the University American College Skopje, with an introductory address by Dr. Ilina Kachinske, UACS Assistant Professor, and organized by UACS Prof. Dr Ivan Dodovski. It was an…
UACS School of Business Economics and Management (SBEM) welcomes academics from around the world. A week of lectures held by academics from other countries with the objective to offer students an international learning opportunity. The School of Business Economics and Management (SBEM) presents the first edition of its “International Week” event, “Multicultural understanding – Are you ready for…
Prof. Dr. Snezhana Hristova, the Dean of the School of Business Economics and Management was presenting about “How to develop an innovation driven society” at the Swedish Institute in Stockholm Sweden. She was one of the participants in the SI Innovation Leaders (SIIL) leadership programme. The aim of SIIL is to contribute to the innovation…
Dear UACS students, It is our great honor and pleasure to invite you to UACS Virtual Career Days, which will be held ONLINE on the following dates: Day I: 12 February (Friday) WORKSHOP: HOW TO WRITE CV AND MOTIVATION LETTER… – CV and motivation letter workshop 1, 12pm , lecturer Sandra Grujevska, MSc (*MK…
Денеска, Универзитетот Американ колеџ Скопје (УАКС), во соработка со Министерството за надворешни работи и Дипломатскиот Клуб – Скопје ја организираа промоцијата на книгата „Дипломатски протокол, етикеција и кореспонденција“ од амбасадорот доц. д-р Данчо Марковски. Промоцијата се одржа во амфитеатарот на Министерството за надворешни работи. Промотори беа проф. д-р Иван Додовски, декан на Факултетот за политички…
School of Business Economics and Management / ФДЕИОН School of Political Science / SPS School of Computer Science and Information Technologies / SCSIT School of Foreign Languages / SFL Факултет за правни науки / ФПРН Факултет за архитектура и дизајн / ФАД MAKE-UP EXAM SCHEDULE (SPRING 2019)