Meeting with the Higher Education Accreditation Board

UACS Rector Marjan Bojadziev and Vice-Rector Venera Krliu had a meeting with the President Marjan Gjurovski and Vice-President Kushtrim Ahmeti from the Higher Education Accreditation Board, part of the Agency for Quality in Higher Education.

The purpose of the meeting was to overcome possible problems in the accreditation process in order to significantly raise the quality of higher education, with a special focus on the accreditation process.

The Higher Education Accreditation Board expressed readiness for continuous dialogue and constant openness and communication with the faculties in the country in order to solve the obstacles we encounter in the accreditation or possibly the realization of the study programs.

At the joint meeting with the Board for Accreditation of Higher Education, the need for greater internationalization of the study programs of the faculties and other higher education institutions in the country was ascertained through a joint approach and action of all subjects in society.

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