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UACS SFL faculty members participated in the Teachers’ “Researching Workshop”
In the period from 28 to 30 June 2017, the UACS SFL faculty members Assoc. Prof. Dr. Marjana Vaneva, Dean of the UACS School of Foreign Languages, and Assist. Prof. Dr. Ivana Trajanoska Stefanovikj, attended a workshop titled: ‘(Re) searching classroom episodes to stay professionally alert: Exercises in systematic informed reflective practice’. The workshop was…
Call for Papers for the 13th Annual UACS conference on European Integration
This inter- and multi-disciplinary conference seeks to re-examine the complex construct of the Balkans in the European political and cultural imagination. Though claimed by the local nations as ‘the cradle of civilization’, for Western imagining the region has featured as ‘part of Europe, yet not of it’ (M. Mazower). The negative demi-orientalizing discourse which stigmatized…
UACS SFL faculty at a British Council Training
In the period between 28 November 2016 and 2 December 2016, Assoc. Prof. Marjana Vaneva, PhD, Dean of the UACS School of Foreign Languages and Ms. Jovanka Jovancevska-Milenkoska, MA, an English language instructor at UACS attended a Standardising Assessment in Universities training at the British Council, Skopje. The aim of the training was to make…
UACS participation at ICT Pitch and Connect: Bringing Industry and Academia Together
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Распоред на подготвителни часови
Почитувани студенти, Би сакале да Ве информираме дека од 17ти Септември (утре) започнуваат предвидените подготвителни часови по предметите: -Цртање и сликање, -Англиски јазик, -Математика, -Информатика Часовите ќе се одржaт во просториите на Универзитет Американ Колеџ Скопје. Во прилог распоредот со конкретните термини и простории. Го очекуваме вашето присуство и Ви посакуваме успешен почеток на новата академска година.
Ognen Cubalevski, Plant Manager at ODW Elektrik, Macedonia, was a guest speaker at the UACS
On 24 February 2021, Ognen Cubalevski, Plant Manager at ODW Elektrik, Macedonia, was a guest speaker at the UACS School of Business Economics and Management within the Organizational Behavior undergraduate course, taught by the Prof .Dr Marjan Bojadjiev. Cubalevski, who is experienced management consultant with a multinational background, addressed the students on the topic of…