Non-working days at UACS – National Independence Day
On these days, the University premises will be closed.
На 14 мај 2019 година, студентите по казнено право и казнено процесно право на додипломски студии и студентите на правосудна насока на втор циклус студии на Факултетот за правни науки при УАКС, остварија посета во КПД Идризово. На тој начин студентите лично се запознаа со животот и постапувањето со осудените лица, нивната ресоцијализација и третман…
Dear students, First of all, we would like to wish you success in the New Year and fulfillment of every wish, in every field! We would also like to inform you that in the period from 28th January – 01 February is organized registration of the subjects for the new spring semester from the academic…
On the 28th of November 2023, a joint lecture for the psychology students from the University American College Skopje, School of Political Sciences, Department of Psychology, and University of Rijeka, Faculty of Philosophy, Department of Psychology, has been organized. Psychology students at both universities following the courses Psychological Counselling and Psychotherapy led by professors: Prof….
Dear all, Please be informed that from 8.7.2024 until 20.8.2024, the working hours of the University American College Skopje start at 08:00 a.m. and end at 4:00 p.m. Best regards, University American College Skopje
UACS SBEM faculty members, Prof. Zoran Shapurikj, PhD and Asst. Prof. Filip Ivanovski, PhD have published a scientific research paper titled: “The Implementation of European Union Electrical and Electronic Waste Legislation and Standards in Macedonia”. The paper is published in the International Journal of Ecosystems and Ecology Science, Volume 2016, 6 (4), pp. 581-587. The…
On 2 April 2018, at the Stopanska Banka AD – Skopje, UACS students of Finance taking the course in Management of Financial Institutions with Dr Jadranka Mrshikj and Dr Goran Vasilev attended the lecture “Asset Liability Management” delivered by Ms. Verica Atanasova, Liquidity Associate of Stopanska Banka AD – Skopje. The visit and the presentation were organized…