Open internship position at Ljubeznost
Interested parties can find the full specifics in the Call on the following link.
Interested parties can find the full specifics in the Call on the following link.
Dear students, We are from Codification, a Digital Transformation consulting firm based in UK and we expanded our Operations in Bulgaria, Sri Lanka and Malaysia with a 100+ workforce This email is regarding the Career opportunities we have in our organisation for which we are looking for the potential Candidates who have Internship experience or…
Opportunities to start your career. Learn more by clicking the button below.
Interested parties can find the full specifics in the Full Call at the following link.
Почитувани студенти, Simplify-ERP е во потрага по млад и амбициозен кадар кој соодветствува на профилите на млади луѓе кои вие ги позиционирате на македонскиот пазар на труд, од Економскиот Факултет. Крајот на јунската испитна сесија и почетокот на летото означува отворање на нашите Career Starter програми за работните позиции Business Analyst и Pre-Sales Consultant, кои…
UACS Career Day allows you to sit face to face with prominent professionals from all fields and facilitate your choice of employment. Students who attend the UACS Career Day will receive a brief introduction to Macedonian career culture, the diversity of career paths and market trends. This event is an ideal opportunity which significantly contributes…
Coke Summership is a summer internship of Pivara Skopje AD, supported by the Coca-Cola HBC group, which represents an excellent summer opportunity to exchange new knowledge, socialize and gain experience that will help you in your personal and professional development. It is a program intended for all students who are in the final year of…