Open internship position at NBRM
Interested parties can find the full specifics in the Call on the following link.
Interested parties can find the full specifics in the Call on the following link.
Драги студенти, Ассеко СЕЕ организира платена пракса за студенти од завршните години на академските студии од насоката софтверско инжинерство. Праксата ќе се одржи период од 04.07.2022 до 29.07.2022. Во прилог.
Почитувани студенти, Леорон вработува за студенти за повеќе позиции. Повеќе на
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STORNEST is a Dubai-based startup with an office in Skopje that provides a unique service (digital legacy planning tool) designed to share to your loved information that you keep private while you are alive, in case something happens to you. Our mission is to provide peace of mind for our clients now, and for their…
Coke Summership is a summer internship of Pivara Skopje AD, supported by the Coca-Cola HBC group, which represents an excellent summer opportunity to exchange new knowledge, socialize and gain experience that will help you in your personal and professional development. It is a program intended for all students who are in the final year of…
We are looking for candidates with degrees in Computer Science University American College Skopje is an institution for higher education that combines the best of American and European educational standards. It was founded with the understanding that all people are created equal and enriched by education. UACS is a vibrant academic environment that fosters intellectual…