Open positions at ALDA Skopje
Interested parties can find the full specifics in the Call for Employment on the following link: https://aldaofficevacancies, and send their CV & Motivational Letter to the following, at the latest until 29.02.2024.
Interested parties can find the full specifics in the Call for Employment on the following link: https://aldaofficevacancies, and send their CV & Motivational Letter to the following, at the latest until 29.02.2024.
Друштвото за логопедски услуги и советување ЛОГОАРТ ЉУБЕНОВА, Бул. Партизански Одреди 82 објект б -2 локал 5, 1000 Скопје. Објавува оглас за практиканти – студенти по психологија Потребни квалификации: Студент по психологија Подготвеност за работа со деца Способност и вештина за комуникација со деца Теоретски и практични знаења за развојните фази…
You can view the Full Call here.
Interested parties can find the full specifics in the Call at the following link.
The team of ALDA Skopje is looking for another colleague, that will support the Programs and Development Department of ALDA, in achieving ALDA’s objectives and priorities. Among the main tasks: Project development: project drafting, preparation of the application package (concepts, applications forms, budgets, log frame), partnership building activities, Fundraising: research for grant opportunities, periodical checks…
You can view the Full Call here. Interested parties can apply at
Interested parties can find the full specifics in the Call for Employment on the following link:, and send their CV & Motivational Letter to the following e-mail address:, at the latest until 29.02.2024.