Open positions at ALDA Skopje
Interested parties can find the full specifics in the Call for Employment on the following link: https://aldaofficevacancies, and send their CV & Motivational Letter to the following, at the latest until 29.02.2024.
Interested parties can find the full specifics in the Call for Employment on the following link: https://aldaofficevacancies, and send their CV & Motivational Letter to the following, at the latest until 29.02.2024.
Драги студенти, Тимот на Red Bull има потреба од нови студенти/ки маркетери. КРАТОК ОПИС: Ако си од оние луѓе кои сакаат секој ден да им е различен, мечтаат да се дел од забавна и лабаво-напната работна атмосфера, не се фанови на “од 9 до 5 работно време”, сакаат секој ден да запознаваат нови…
Interested parties can find the full specifics in the Call for Employment on the following links: FNSIP Vacancy Announcements 2024 Local Student Internship The deadline to apply for the internship is April 7, 2024. Should you have any questions or require further details, please do not hesitate to contact me at or reach out to
Почитувани студенти, Џонсон Мети од Скопје има потреба од практикант/и во одделот за човечки ресурси. Може да аплицираат студенти од Факултетот за деловна економија, странски јазици, правни науки, конретно за во одделот за човечки ресурси. Праксата е платена, и сите трошоци околу превоз и храна се покриени. Праксата е со времетраење од минимум три –…
Data Masters is looking for a social media marketing intern! We are looking for a self-starter willing to learn and help us grow our social channels together. The Social Media Intern will be required to run all the Data Masters social media channels by creating high-quality engaging content, according to our brand guidelines. The position…
Marketing Specialist Why join Solveo? Because our office is a unique place where you’ll meet people who are optimistic, collaborative, who take ownership, embrace ambiguity, learn from failure, and make others successful. The team of Solvers believes that nothing is impossible, and we are ready to go beyond all borders. We are adventurers united by…
Interested applicants can view the Full Call here (PDF). — The University American College Skopje (UACS) and the UACS School of Computer Science and Information Technologies (SCSIT) are pleased to announce an Open Call for Collaboration on Capstone Projects (Final Year Project, Diploma Work), a part of the UACS Connect program aimed at promoting excellence…