Open Positions at Delta Mu Delta
You can view the Full Call here.
Interested parties can apply at
You can view the Full Call here.
Interested parties can apply at
Interested parties can find the full specifics in the Full Call at the following link.
Endava Internship Programme offers you the perfect opportunity to kick-start your IT career! By taking part in our Internship Programme, you’ll have the invaluable chance to experience six weeks of intensive IT and soft skills training and gain knowledge and insights into each phase and role in the SDLC. Your newly acquired skills will be…
Друштвото за логопедски услуги и советување ЛОГОАРТ ЉУБЕНОВА, Бул. Партизански Одреди 82 објект б -2 локал 5, 1000 Скопје. Објавува оглас за практиканти – студенти по психологија Потребни квалификации: Студент по психологија Подготвеност за работа со деца Способност и вештина за комуникација со деца Теоретски и практични знаења за развојните фази…
Interested parties can find the full specifics in the Call for Employment on the following links: FNSIP Vacancy Announcements 2024 Local Student Internship The deadline to apply for the internship is April 7, 2024. Should you have any questions or require further details, please do not hesitate to contact me at or reach out to
Dear Students, The AgFutura Technologies DOOEL – Skopje is looking to hire a Junior Researcher. Those interested can find the full specifics in the Call for Employment below.
Job Position: Training Consultant Location: Skopje Working Hours: Sunday – Thursday, 07:30 – 15:45 Who we are LEORON is a leading training institute, offering comprehensive L&D solutions across corporate functions like finance, HR, SCM, operations, and engineering. With offices strategically located in the UAE, KSA, Oman & Eastern Europe we deliver over 1200 courses annually,…