Open Positions at Okta (Accountant)
You can view the Full Call here.
You can view the Full Call here.
We are looking for candidates with degrees and experience in Computer Science University American College Skopje is an institution for higher education that combines the best of American and European educational standards. It was founded with the understanding that all people are created equal and enriched by education. UACS is a vibrant academic environment that…
UACS Career Day allows you to sit face to face with prominent professionals from all fields and facilitate your choice of employment. Students who attend the UACS Career Day will receive a brief introduction to Macedonian career culture, the diversity of career paths and market trends. This event is an ideal opportunity which significantly contributes…
Psych Lab is a psychology student organization whose vision is to promote student’s well being by providing psycho-social support. We as an organization are looking for enthusiastic students who want to help us contribute to our society. What we offer? Internship experience which will provide you with extracurricular knowledge in the psychology field. A chance…
You can find the full job opening specifications on the button below:
Отворена пракса во РЕПТИЛ во сектор Mаркетинг! Потребни Квалификации: студенти запишани на смер Маркетинг Вештини и способности: способност за самостојна и тимска работа; динамични, иницијативни и насочени кон резултати; одлично познавање на Microsoft Word, Excel; точност, прецизност, дисциплинираност ; Основни одговорности кои следуваат со позицијата, со обезбедено менторство за спроведување на…
Драги студенти, Тимот на Red Bull има потреба од нови студенти/ки маркетери. КРАТОК ОПИС: Ако си од оние луѓе кои сакаат секој ден да им е различен, мечтаат да се дел од забавна и лабаво-напната работна атмосфера, не се фанови на “од 9 до 5 работно време”, сакаат секој ден да запознаваат нови…