Our Erasmus+ students from France visited the French Institute Skopje

📣 Mark Your Calendars! Join Us on September 5th at 16:00 for an Info Session 🌟 Are you ready to dive into the world of innovation, deep tech, and entrepreneurial opportunities? Look no further! We’re thrilled to invite you to our upcoming Info Session on September 5th at 16:00, where we will be…
Известување од УАКС Фондација за конечен список на кандидати добитници на стипендии согласно објавен конкурс за доделување дванаесет стипендии за прв циклус студии за студенти во прва година во академската 2019/2020 година на Универзитет Американ Колеџ Скопје. Согласно критериумите за бодување од Конкурсот и постигнатите поени од тестирањето добитниците на стипендии за прв циклус студии…
On Friday, 1st of March, during the Financial Market and Institutions class of prof Maja Parnardzieva-Zmejkova, Ph. D., the students of 2nd year accounting and auditing, and 3rd year finance, visited the premises of the Macedonian Stock Exchange. During this visit, the students learned about the capital market in Macedonia, especially about the possibility of…
New horizons of collaboration between UACS – School of Business Economics and Management and HEC Liège Management School – University of Liège. HEC Liège Management School – University of Liège is SBEM’s new Erasmus+ partner in the fields of economics, management, sales management, entrepreneurship, business engineering, and transdisciplinary studies, to name a few. This…
On 14 November 2017, the students from the UACS International School of Architecture and Design (ISAD) had the pleasure of visiting the only skyscrapers in Macedonia, and of course the tallest buildings in Skopje, Cevahir Holding – Sky City Skopje. With this field trip, the students had the chance to learn about the modernization of…
We are thrilled to announce that UACS School of Business Economics and Management and School of Computer Science and Information Technology have emerged victorious as part of the esteemed 16 winning consortia for the groundbreaking project, “The Alliance of Boundary Crossing for Deep Tech” (ABCD). This momentous achievement solidifies our commitment to innovation and excellence…