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Dear UACS students,
Dear UACS students,
On December 10 2018, UACS held the annual Financial Accounting Competition. This competition is being held for the fifth time, and encompasses second-year students enrolled in the Finance and Banking and the Accounting and Audit study programs. Under the mentorship of Asst. Prof. Dusica Stevcevska–Srbinoska, PhD, the students presented projects on marketing and financial analysis of the Macedonian confectionery…
University American College Skopje in collaboration with UNHCR in North Macedonia organize the 17th annual international conference on emerging ideas – AICEI 2022 ‘PRIORITIES REDEFINED: NEW REALITIES AFTER THE UKRAINIAN CRISIS’ Thursday, 22 September 2022 Skopje Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of North Macedonia CONFERENCE PROGRAM 8:45 – 9:15 Registration…
Interested applicants can view the Full Call here (PDF). — The University American College Skopje (UACS) and the UACS School of Computer Science and Information Technologies (SCSIT) are pleased to announce an Open Call for Collaboration on Capstone Projects (Final Year Project, Diploma Work), a part of the UACS Connect program aimed at promoting excellence…
Dear UACS freshmen, We invite you to the UACS Orientation of Academic year 2016/2017, which will be held on September 24, 2016 (Saturday) at 10:00 h at UACS cafeteria (ground floor). For more information regarding the event, please click on the following link ******************************************************************************************************************** Ден за насочување за академска 2016/2017 година Почитувани новозапишани студенти на…
University American College Skopje is proud to announce the Fifteenth Annual International Conference on European Integration – AICEI 2020 – Climate Change – Challenges and Building Resilience – Virtual Conference 21st of May, 2020, Skopje This multi-disciplinary conference aims to bring together leading academics, researchers, research scholars, individuals and non-governmental organizations, to exchange and discuss…
Dear all, We are pleased to inform you that the scholarship results for the Academic Year 2018/2019 have been announced. The results from the final tests and the student ranking according to test results, as well as the scholarship recipients can be found on the following link. We are eager to welcome the scholarship recipients as…