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Dear UACS students,
Dear UACS students,
Цементарница УСЈЕ во склоп на Групацијата ТИТАН го потпиша Пактот за поддршка на младите на Европската унија (“Pact for Youth”), за зајакнување на партнерството помеѓу компаниите и образованието, а во насока на зголемување на можностите за вработување на младите талентирани луѓе. Како дел од Програмата за поттикнување на вработување и развој на млади таленти, Цементарница…
On 17 April 2019, Dr Agnieszka Bedkowska-Kopczyk, Assistant Professor from the University of Graz, Austria, gave a linguistics guest lecture at the UACS School of Foreign Languages. The presentation (part of her recent study) titled ‘Being moved, touched, shaken: How sensory-motor experience shapes conceptualization of mental states in English and Slavic languages (Evidence from Polish,…
We had a pleasure of having a special guest speaker at our Entrepreneurship class Mrs. Sahka Kostovska – Dlaka. She’s a co- founder and a CEO of a financial consultancy “Input d.o.o” Mrs. Kostovska – Dlaka is one of the leading financial facilitators. Among her recent successes is providing seed funding for first Macedonian potential…
Dr. Ivan Dodovski, Associate Professor and Dean of the UACS School of Political Science has been invited to teach at the University of Derby, UK as part of the EU Erasmus+ exchange programme between our two universities. Between 1 and 15 February 2017, Dr. Dodovski has delivered lectures for undergraduate and post-graduate students taking the…
On 26 February 2018, UACS students of business economics and management and their lecturer in Financial Markets and Institutions Dr. Maja Parnardjieva Zmejkova visited the premises of the Macedonian Stock Exchange, Inc. Skopje. The aim of the visit was to familiarize the students with the positioning of the capital market in the Republic of Macedonia and…
On March 20, 2017 (Monday), UACS organized the first Entrepreneurial Field Trip for the 9th, 10th and 11th graders from NOVA International Schools. Bettina Jones, MA, faculty member of UACS School of Foreign Languages was the moderator of the event. She welcomed the NOVA students and wished them a fruitful and successful field…