Register for event organized by UACS School of Foreign Language and ELTAM (May 3rd)
2.) Afternoon Session – 17:00 – 18:30 PM
On 25 April 2017 (Tuesday), the students of UACS School of Business Economics and Management, who take the course Introduction to e-Business with the course instructor Kristian Petkoski, MSc, had the opportunity to follow a guest lecture in the area of regulation of law and its application in e-business. The lecture was held by…
Dear, We would like to inform you that scholarships winner for the UACS Presidential Scholarship is being selected by the Scholarship Committee. This year we had a tremendous amount of candidates, due to which the competition was very hard. After very cautious and thorough examinations, the committee body made the decision for the following list:…
Our Dean of the School of Business Economics and Management, Prof. Dr. Snezhana Hristova, recently attended the prestigious EFMD Accreditation Workshop in Sarajevo (October 14-16). An enriching experience in elevating academic excellence, it offered valuable insight into best practices that will help us further enhance our programs, student learning, and institutional benchmarks.
On September 25, our professors Dusica Stevchevska-Srbinoska and Igor Srbinoski had a meeting with Mrs. Marie-Laure Vallès, coordinator of international student mobilities at the prestigious Catholic University of the West (UCO; French: Université catholique de l’Ouest), known colloquially to its students as: “la Catho”. At the same time, UACS and UCO representatives attended the…
Within the Career Week at UACS Skopje, the students of School of Foreign Languages visited the offices of Ad Verbum, an established translation company in Skopje, Macedonia. The students were accompanied by Jovanka Jovanchevska, MEL instructor at UACS. The group had the opportunity to hear about the vast experience of the company in their translation…
Во рамки на соработката со Правниот факултет при Унивезитетот во Падова, деканот на Факултетот за правни науки при Универзитет Американ Колеџ Скопје, проф. Д-р Марко Андонов (заедно со неговиот соработник М-р Љубомир Раденков), на 6 и 7 мај 2019 година одржаа предавање на еден од најстарите светски универзитети на теми поврзани со најновите трендови на…