Series of lectures on the topic of discrimination as part of the International Human Rights Law course at the SPS
In the last three weeks, the third year students in the BA program International Relations and Diplomacy participated in a seminar integrated in the course International Human Rights Law. A series of lectures on the topic of discrimination and its place in the international human rights framework were held by highly qualified law practitioners from the country, at the invitation of the course instructor, Dr. Ivo Bosilkov.
The lecture on gender discrimination was given by Igor Jadrovski, a member of the Commission for prevention and protection against discrimination in the Parliament of North Macedonia. Mr. Jadrovski previously worked for ten years in the Helsinki Committee for Human Rights and international organizations such as Minority Rights Group. His field of expertise is prevention of and protection against discrimination, and his work has focused on the legal empowerment of various vulnerable groups such as LGBTI people, people with disabilities, stateless people, Roma and textile workers.

Two lectures were given by Maja Atanasova, a member of the organization “Mladi Pravnici” (Young Lawyers). Her first lecture focused on racial and religious discrimination, and the second one she discussed minorities, marginalized groups, asylum seekers and refugees, as situated in the international human rights regime. In this lecture, Ms. Atanasova, who has graduated from the Faculty of Law “Iustinianus Primus” at the St. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje (Department International Law), has also discussed the principles of positive discrimination and affirmative action in the domestic and international context.
The students have demonstrated high levels of participation in the lectures and expressed satisfaction from the overall seminar experience.