Student Musical Spring 2021
David Bowie’s “Lady Stardust” (lecture in English)
Sometimes, all we need is to look at the world through other people’s eyes and discover a whole new outlook on life. Sometimes, we need to meet someone totally new, unexpected and different from us, so that we can really get to know ourselves. And sometimes, we just need a little reality check. Today was…
For Marketing and Management students it is always important to understand the holistic approach to the subject, from generating an idea, creating a marketing plan to pitching in front of clients. During the class, Sasha Mishevska (Account Manager) from IDEA Plus 360° Communications presented the ways of working and roles in a Marketing Agency, how…
The Alliance for Boundary-Crossing in Deep Tech (ABCD) initiative, supported by higher education institutions in conjunction with the European Institute for Innovation and Technology, aspires to be the change agent for creating more talent in deep tech and become a major hub for deep tech entrepreneurship in the Western Balkans. Through successful engagement with stakeholders…
Dear All, We would like to inform you that the the last working day at UACS in the year of 2017 will be 27 December 2017 (Wednesday). During the period 25-27 December 2017, the University premises will be open during the period 8 a.m. until 4 p.m. The University premises will be closed during the…
Посветен на социјалното претприемништво и негување на високи етички вредности кај младите, Универзитет Американ Колеџ Скопје е посебно горд на своите студенти од тимот „Нешто Нетипично“, кои победија на младинскиот предизвик „Генерација без граници“ 2019. Овој предизвик се одржа со поддршка од Фондацијата на Телеком, Уницеф и Сојузот на извидници на РСМ, а беше имплементиран…
Yesterday, The University of American College Skopje had the honor to host our guest speakers Vlatko Ivanovski, a certified Microsoft MVP Professional, and Martin Tatar, the regional leader of the Microsoft MVP Program, within the scope of the School of Computer Science and Information Technolgy, organized by Prof. Vladimir Radevski Ph.D. Our speakers were invited…