Student Musical Spring 2021
David Bowie’s “Lady Stardust” (lecture in English)
During the period October 17-21, 2016, UACS SBEM faculty, Assistant Professor Snezhana Hristova, PhD was teaching the Strategic Planning course at the University of Economics in Bratislava, Slovakia. The lectures in this course were held as part of the mobility program for academic staff, Central European Exchange Program for University Studies (CEEPUS). University American College Skopje became a…
University American College Skopje FOOD DRIVE Dear alumni and student members of University American College Skopje,“I in Need” is an in-class project made by the students from the Organizational Behavior class and the NGO Ljubeznost. Our aim is to procure and cook food for people in need from Skopje. During the month of December (until…
In these last couple of days, the University American College Skopje had the honor to host a delegation from the Estonian Entrepreneurship University of Applied Sciences as part of the Erasmus+ Staff Training Mobility program, a project led by our own Viktoria Gombar, Head of International Relations Office. An extension from our own UACS visit…
Изминатиот викенд, наставниот кадар, администрацијата и надворешните соработници на УАКС преку работилници и неформална дружба беа дел од GET INVOLVED VII тим билдингот.
On March 15, 2018, UACS participated in the Open Days of Orce Nikolov and Nikola Karev State High Schools in Skopje. During the visit, Orce Nikolov high school graduates had the opportunity to attend a lecture delivered by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Dimitar Kovachevski, faculty member of the UACS School of Business Economics and Management. His presentation covered the topic of marketing,…
Yesterday, at the Europe House Skopje, our French students met with the newly appointed Ambassador of France to North Macedonia, his Excellency Mr. Cyrille Baumgatner where they shared their Erasmus+ study experience at University American College Skopje and living in Macedonia.