Team Building UACS
Изминатиот викенд, наставниот кадар, администрацијата и надворешните соработници на УАКС преку работилници и неформална дружба беа дел од GET INVOLVED VII тим билдингот.
Изминатиот викенд, наставниот кадар, администрацијата и надворешните соработници на УАКС преку работилници и неформална дружба беа дел од GET INVOLVED VII тим билдингот.
The School of Business Economics and Management (SBEM) is strongly committed to internationalization. In that regard, for the second time guest lecturers from universities all over the world are invited by SBEM to enrich our campus for a week with international and intercultural (teaching) events and a varied framework programme. The International Week 2021 will…
Dear 2024 graduates, With our hearts brimming with pride, we celebrate the remarkable conclusion of our time together at UACS. Now, you stand not just as graduates but as torchbearers of excellence, leaving your unique mark on our institution’s legacy, with your hard-earned diplomas representing not just your academic achievements but the resilience and determination…
Посветен на социјалното претприемништво и негување на високи етички вредности кај младите, Универзитет Американ Колеџ Скопје е посебно горд на своите студенти од тимот „Нешто Нетипично“, кои победија на младинскиот предизвик „Генерација без граници“ 2019. Овој предизвик се одржа со поддршка од Фондацијата на Телеком, Уницеф и Сојузот на извидници на РСМ, а беше имплементиран…
During the course of this week, our very own Dimche Micevski, PR & Marketing Communication Coordinator at UACS, traveled to the Estonian Entrepreneurship University of Applied Sciences (EUAS), located in Tallinn, Estonia, through the Erasmus+ Exchange Program. During this trip, he opened communications with the Estonian University about the possibility of potential future collaboration. Many…
“Going Back to Move Forward: Combining the know-how of yesterday with the technological advancements of tomorrow.” UACS School of Business Economics and Management has the pleasure to announce that it will be hosting its third installment of International Week. We will be inviting renowned guest lecturers from around the world to our campus for a…
On March 19, 2018, UACS participated in the Open Days of Zdravko Cvetkovski and Georgi Dimitrov State High Schools in Skopje. During the visit, SGGUGS Zdravko Cvetkovski high school graduates had the opportunity to attend a lecture delivered by the Dean of the UACS School of Architecture and Design (SAD), Prof. Dr. Mishko Ralev, and the adjunct faculty and professor of practice at…