UACS/AHSS Donation Drive
Have you seen the prettiest Christmas tree in the city?🎄🎁
This is a truly humbling experience and we couldn’t be more proud of our students! 👦👩
Have you seen the prettiest Christmas tree in the city?🎄🎁
This is a truly humbling experience and we couldn’t be more proud of our students! 👦👩
Yesterday, the UACS students visited the Macedonian Stock Exchange. As part of the Financial Markets and Institutions course led by prof. Maja Parnardzieva-Zmejkova, and the Corporate Finance course led by prof. Dusica Stevcevska Srbinoska, the students learned more about the capital market, how the stock exchange operates, and the virtual stock exchange created yearly.
The open call for applications for PhD and DBA studies has been published and can be found on the following link. Open Call for application for PhD studies We wish all potential candidates the best of luck.
The Professor Gáspár Bíró Library in honor of our late professor Honoris Causa was officially opened on 23 January 2017. In the presence of high representatives of the Embassy of Hungary in Skopje, UACS administration and faculty members and representatives of the media, Mr. István Íjgyártó, Minister of State for Cultural and Science Diplomacy at…
7-та Меѓународна летна школа за архитектура и дизајн во организација на Факултетот за Архитектура и Дизајн при Универзитет Американ Колеџ Скопје и НУ Завод за заштита на спомениците на културата и Музеј Охрид, ќе се одржи во период од 28 јуни до 6 јули во Охрид.Темата на овогодинешната школа е дефинирана со насловот “Platform tourisim:…
Dear Freshmen, It is tradition that once you have started your first year of studies, we organize a Freshman Seminar in order to introduce you more closely to the operations of the University, the bylaws, and answer any questions you might have regarding your studies and student life at UACS. For students following their classes…
We would like to extend our heartfelt gratitude to Mr. Bojan D. Georgievski for his incredibly generous book donation to our UACS library. А thoughtful gesture that demonstrates a commitment to education and the growth of our learning community, Mr. Georgievski’s donation strengthens our mission of providing exceptional educational opportunities to all who walk through…