UACS Alumni Newsletter – Jubilee Edition
Dear UACS Alumni,
Dear UACS Alumni,
University American College Skopje in cooperation with University of Rome Tor Vergata organize the 14th annual international academic conference on European integration “INNOVATING EUROPE” More about PROGRAM:
UACS graduate students taking the course in Business English with the Dean of UACS School of Foreign Languages, Assoc. Prof. Marjana Vaneva, PhD, hosted the guest speaker, Ms. Marija Dzonova on 19 November 2016. Ms. Dzonova is an English language school owner and a current graduate student at the UACS School of Foreign Languages. She…
The students Zoran Cikalov, Milica Krsteva and Angela Petkovska from the Department of Psychology at UACS, together with the mentor Prof. Ana Tomovska Misoska, took part in the Human Resources International (HUMINT) Student conference on the topic of “Diversity and Social Inclusion in the workplace”. The whole week immersive experience of working on a case…
On March 15, 2018, UACS participated in the Open Days of Orce Nikolov and Nikola Karev State High Schools in Skopje. During the visit, Orce Nikolov high school graduates had the opportunity to attend a lecture delivered by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Dimitar Kovachevski, faculty member of the UACS School of Business Economics and Management. His presentation covered the topic of marketing,…
Почитувани, Универзитет Американ Колеџ Скопје ви го честита претстојниот празник, 11 октомври – Ден на народното востание. Ве известуваме дека просториите на Универзитетот ќе бидат затворени на ден 11 октомври 2018 година (четврток). Со почит, Универзитет Американ Колеџ Скопје
Dear candidates, Those of you who have registered for taking the preparatory courses for the State Matriculation Examination, can find the course schedule below. English Language – Monday (15.05.2017) at 16:30 h Macedonian Language & Literature – Tuesday(16.05.2017) at 16:30 h Thursday (18.05.2017) at 18:00 h Saturday (20.05.2017) at 11:30 h Mathematics – Saturday (20.05.2017) at 10:00 h Or you can…