UACS – City College of New York collaboration
UACS’s Rector, prof. Mayo Bojadziev PhD, today signed an MOU with prof. Juan Mercado, Dean for International Collaboration at the City College of New York.
UACS’s Rector, prof. Mayo Bojadziev PhD, today signed an MOU with prof. Juan Mercado, Dean for International Collaboration at the City College of New York.
On Friday 13 November 2020, Dr. Minke Hajer, postdoctoral researcher at the Graduate School in Social and Political Sciences at the University of Milan, will deliver a guest lecture titled “The Mediated Border: Irregular Migrants and the Media” for UACS second year students of political science who take the course in Media & Politics with Dr. Ivo…
During the period October 27-28, 2016, University American College Skopje hosted the conference titled “Labor markets in the Western Balkan countries”. It has been organized by the Dean of UACS School of Business Economics and Management, prof. Nikica Mojsoska-Blazevski, PhD. During the Conference, renowned researchers from the region have presented comparative papers in the following…
Interview with HE Dux László István, Ambassador of Hungary in the Republic of North Macedonia What is the significance of the Conference on the Future of Europe? The European Union experienced a number of different crises in the past years, and divisions arose between Member States within the Union. The Conference on the Future of…
Class schedule for Spring semester, Academic Year 2018/2019 Dear students, You may find the class schedules for Spring semester, Academic Year 2018/2019 for your school, on the links below: SCHOOL OF POLITICAL SCIENCE (SPRING 2019) SCHOOL OF FOREIGN LANGUAGE (SPRING 2019) SCHOOL OF COMPUTER SCIENCE AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES (SPRING 2019) SCHOOL OF BUSINESS ECONOMICS AND…
На 19.02.2019 во Малата сала на Македонската филхармонија во Скопје по втор пат се одржа настанот „SHARE” – вмрежената архитектонска интернационална платформа на која се претставуваат значајни проектантски бироа и поединечни архитекти од повеќе европски земји, преку своите асоцијации и комори. Оваа година Асоцијацијата на архитекти на Македонија пречека архитекти од В.Британија, Шпанија, Холандија, ,…
Even though the summer holidays are just starting, UACS does not cease with its CSR endeavors. Since recently, the civil association for humanitarian actions and donations “Konekt” launched their first “Donor Circle”. The main purpose of such Donor Circles is to bring philanthropy and the humanitarian spirit closer to individuals who want to contribute by donating to specific…