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Contrastive Analysis virtual guest lecture
On 8 April 2020, the UACS School of Foreign Languages students attending the Contrastive Analysis class, and their course professor, Prof Dr Marjana Vaneva, were virtual hosts to Ms Iskra Stojanovska, MA in Conference Interpreting, a translator and interpreter, and an English language teacher. The guest speaker shared some of her translation tips regarding English…
Easter greetings and non-working days at UACS
Dear All, University American College Skopje would like to congratulate all Orthodox Christians on the upcoming Easter holidays. May these festive days bring you and your closest ones good health, well-being, inner peace, and may your homes be filled with warmth and love. Non-working days at UACS will be the following: 6 April 2018 (Friday) – Good Friday…
According to the references of the Ministry of Health of RNM, as well as considering the well-being of all students and employees of University American College Skopje, we inform that there will be no classes of undergraduate studies at all UACS Schools and no classes of graduate studies at the School of Architecture and Design…
Visit to the Archaeological Museum
UACS students of Political Science and Psychology taking the course in Modern Europe with Assoc. Prof. Ivan Dodovski, PhD have visited the Archaeological Museum of Macedonia on 4 October, 2016. The visit is part of their research assignment to explore the political and cultural legacies of Europe.
Seventh General Assembly Meeting of UACS Business Council
On 22 February 2017 (Wednesday), in the City Hall Center in Skopje, the Business Council of University American College Skopje held the Seventh General Assembly Meeting for its company members, supporters and collaborators. The event was attended on part of the members of UACS Business Council, the donors of UACS Foundation, and the honorary guests:…
The Family Milovanovic and UACS Foundation awarded our student Iskra Dochovska, from the SCSIT with the “Zlat Milovanovic Award”
What a remarkable night in Nacional Gallery Of Macedonia – Čifte Amam! Yesterday evening, we were part of the commemoration of Prof. Zlat Milovanovic, former UACS Vice-Rector for International Relations and University Development, where a great number of colleagues, students, friends and family gathered to remember his extraordinary work and personality. In memory of Professor…