UACS nomination call for Erasmus+ Mobility (Fall 2022 semester)
Dear students,
Dear students,
It is so nice to be a part of greatness! Today, our Career Day was a truly wonderful and inspiring event for all of us at UACS. First, our students had a workshop on how to write a CV and motivation letter, and then they were guided through a personality evaluation, helping them in their career choices…
“None of us, including me, ever do great things. But we can all do small things, with great love, and together we can do something wonderful.” – Mother Teresa We couldn’t possibly find better words to describe this past weekend and the Get Involved team building we have had. Our University stepped outside of our…
Dear students, The Final Exam Schedule for the Spring Semester in the Academic Year 2016/2017 can be found on the links below. We wish you all the best for your exams! Regards, University American College Skopje Final Exam Schedule for the School of Business Economics and Management – Spring Semester 2017 Распоред за втор…
On November 26, Mrs Karolina Karovska Bozinoska, head of the MSE Division for promotion, education and development held a guest lecture as part of the course “Corporate finance”, with Ass. Prof. Dusica Stevcevska- Srbinoska, PhD. The invitee spoke about the history and recent developments on the Macedonian Stock Exchange, not disregarding the functions of the Macedonian…
On 23-24 October 2018, the UACS School of Foreign Languages co-organised an international conference for its second time. This was the third international philological conference, held at Stanisław Staszic University of Applied Sciences in Piła, Poland, where the previous two conferences had also taken place. Besides the host institution and our university, the other organizers…
Студентите од Факултетот за Деловна економија и организациони науки при УАКС во рамките на предметот Организациско однесување, денеска се сретнаа со Претседателот на Здружението на граѓани Љубезност г-дин Тони Станковски, УАКС Алумни. Студентите одблиску се запознаа со активностите и проектите на самото здружение и беа дискутирани нивните можни вклучувања и соработката која е предвидена во…