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Updated preparatory class schedule
Dear students, Since the already sent preparatory classes schedule made a confusion among some of you, in attachment we are sending you a new schedule. * English classes are for all students from all schools at University American College Skopje * Mathematics classes are for all students from School of Business Economics and Management, School…
“Challenging the five-stars” / 11та меѓународна летна школа во ОХРИД / UACS
Факултетот за Архитектура и Дизајн при Универзитет Американ Колеџ Скопје, со задоволство ја најавува 11-та Летна Школа за Архитектура во Охрид под наслов “Challenging the five-stars”, под менторство на Куба Снопек од Варшава! MK Развојот на социјалистичкиот туризам вклучуваше создавање на архитектонски експресивни згради кои ги комбинираа општественото однесување, политичките идеологии и почитта кој природниот…
Liberal Institute Skopje announces a public call for youth participation in civil society
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UACS Rector, Prof. Marjan I. Bojadjiev, PhD as a visiting lecturer at University of Rome Tor Vergata
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Ms. Biljana Koteska, Head of Department for research and inter-institutional cooperation from MAPAS, was a guest lecturer at UACS
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How to Build One Society for All? – Guest lecture by Robert Alagjozovski, National Coordinator for Interculturalism
On 14 April 2022 Robert Alagjozovski, National coordinator for interculturalism, one society, cultural development and interministerial cooperation in the Government of the Republic of North Macedonia was a guest speaker for the students of the UACS School of Political Science who take the course in Multiculturalism with Prof. Ivan Dodovski, PhD. Mr. Alagjozovski presented the…