UACS School of Foreign Languages Free Webinar Series for High School Students: The English Language, AI, Gaming, and Creativity

UACS School of Foreign Languages invites high-school students to our engaging and interactive webinars series on topics related to the English language, manga and funfiction, AI, gaming, and second language acquisition. Our webinars are tailored for creative young people eager to discover or enhance their knowledge in character analysis and creation, storytelling in gaming, and in the learning, perception, and use of language.


  • Manga, Fanfiction, and Character AI: Teenagers create

Let’s dive into the soul of manga and analyze your favorite manga characters. Boost your English language skills, creativity, and imagination by crafting characters in Character AI and Funfiction.

28 March, 2024 19:30-20:30 online via Google Meet

Instructor: Ivana Trajanoska, University Professor and writer


  • Storytelling in gaming

Explore the depths of storytelling in gaming, where intricate worlds are born from pixels and tales unfold with every controller press. This short webinar can help you unlock the secrets behind crafting captivating narratives that keep players at the edge of their seats.

11 April, 2024 19:30-20:30 online via Google Meet

Instructor: Tamara Jolevska-Popov, University Lecturer and writer


  • Exploring the Cognitive Landscape of Language: Insights into Acquisition, Perception, and Bilingualism

Join us for an interactive discussion about the extraordinary capabilities and the profound impact of language on human cognition and communication. The webinar will explore the essence of language, its role in our lives, and the intriguing differences in linguistic processing between children and adults.

25 April, 2024 19:30-20:30 online via Google Meet

Instructor: Ilina Kachinske, University Professor and second language acquisition expert


Navigate your Future with Fluent Precision: Study English Language and Literature at UACS in the Age of AI

Studying the English language equips you with skills that are transferable to various fields and prepares you for different job profiles.

From English language teaching, translation, business communication, creative and content writing to aspects of AI development, English Language and Literature students can launch a career in a wide range of industries.

From effective communication and algorithmic understanding to cross-cultural awareness and ethical aspects, these skills can contribute to your success in navigating the rapidly evolving landscape of AI and be employable on the global market.


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