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Guest lecturer at the University American College Skopje – Gorazd Mirkovski, Project Director at Dimetor
Today, we had the honor of hosting our esteemed guest speaker, Gorazd Mirkovski, at the University American College Skopje, a highly experienced professional with a strong background in the intersection of technology and innovation. Currently serving as the Project Director at Dimetor, a pioneering software company specializing in analytics and data platforms connecting the cellular…
Guest lecturer at UACS, Director of the Association of the units of local self-government of the Republic of North Macedonia (ZELS)
The students from the School of Political Science and School of law following the course Regional autonomy and local self-government had an opportunity to follow a lecture from the Director of the Association of the units of local self-government of the Republic of North Macedonia (ZELS) Mrs. Dusica Perisic. Mrs. Perisic presented the work of…
Prof. Zlat Milovanovic, PhD, Professor Honoris Causa and former Vice Rector of University American College Skopje (UACS) passed away on March 26, 2020, in the U.S.A. Zlat Milovanovic held a PhD in International Relations from Temple University, an MA in European Studies and a Doctorate in Public Law and Political Science from the University of…
Presentation held in High Shool Zdravko Cvetkovski by Prof. Mishko Ralev Ph.D.
On Friday, May 5th, the University of American College Skopje visited the High School Zdravko Cvetkovski, in order to hold a presentation on the benefits of studying at UACS. The presentation itself was facilitated by our dean of the School of Architecture Prof. Mishko Ralev Ph.D. We are grateful to the High School Zdravko Cvetkovski…
Interiew with UACS Alumni President Irena Nikolovska, MBA – Executive Director and Founder of IRIS Consulting
Станавте дел од алумни на УАКС со стекнувањето на MBA диплома. Какви се Вашите впечатоци од MBA програмата на УАКС? Повеќе од 22 години работам како консултант, со специјализација во областа на даноците, финансиите и сметководството. МБА студиите на УАКС ги започнав за да си го проширам знаењето за други свери на бизнисот. Тоа и…
UACS students visited the waste management company Sunilens
On October 16, UACS undergraduate students in the class “Ecology and Sustainable Development” and lecturer Andrej Gjokikj visited the waste management company Sunilens. With the view of presenting industry experiences and real-life solutions to students when learning about the environment and sustainability, the visit provided a direct insight into an environmentally-friendly and innovative business model…