UACS SFL students visited the Skopje Book Fair
On 7 April 2017, the second-year students from the UACS School of Foreign Languages, who are taking the course English Literature 1 with Asst. Prof. Ivana Trajanoska, PhD visited Skopje Book Fair.
On 7 April 2017, the second-year students from the UACS School of Foreign Languages, who are taking the course English Literature 1 with Asst. Prof. Ivana Trajanoska, PhD visited Skopje Book Fair.
Angela, you are behind the brand Angie M. What kind of a label it is and what is your part in it? Angie M. is a unique, sophisticated and modern brand that creates its own fashion stamp, striving to become one of the leading brands in the domestic and global market. The main focus of…
Деновиве, студентите на Факултетот за деловна економија и организациони науки при УАКС беа дел од Седмата студентска конференција на тема „Енергетска ефикасност и одржлив развој – СКЕЕОР“. Конференцијата се одржа на Факултетот за електротехника и информациски технологии при Универзитетот „Св. Кирил и Методиј“ во Скопје, и на неа учествуваа голем број студенти од повеќе земји….
On 29 November, UACS students from the School of Political Science and School of Law following courses with Asst. Prof. Marina Andeva and professor of practice Marijana Opasinova Sundovska visited the Parliament of the Republic of North Macedonia, where they had an opportunity to further deepen their knowledge on the work of the parliament and a chance…
Dr. Ivan Dodovski, Associate Professor and Dean of the UACS School of Political Science has been invited to teach at the University of Derby, UK as part of the EU Erasmus+ exchange programme between our two universities. Between 1 and 15 February 2017, Dr. Dodovski has delivered lectures for undergraduate and post-graduate students taking the…
On 23.03. (Thursday), the UACS Student Assembly presented in the A1 Amphitheater, where the assembly’s president, Filip Trajkovski, addressed the students and shared their program for their upcoming term. In short, their presentation encapsulated the following topics: – Recommendations for the academic calendar; – Student discounts and establishment of USS UACS as an active student…
Mr. Viktor Nelepa, founder of the media company “D Idea” (Dubai, UAE) and inventor of the Smart Palm and Mr. Gorjan Stojanovski (Skopje, Macedonia), co-founder of the online retail portal “Kupi od doma” will introduce the UACS students to the world of innovative business ideas and entrepreneurial businesses upon the kick off of the UACS…