UACS SFL students visited the Skopje Book Fair
On 7 April 2017, the second-year students from the UACS School of Foreign Languages, who are taking the course English Literature 1 with Asst. Prof. Ivana Trajanoska, PhD visited Skopje Book Fair.
On 7 April 2017, the second-year students from the UACS School of Foreign Languages, who are taking the course English Literature 1 with Asst. Prof. Ivana Trajanoska, PhD visited Skopje Book Fair.
Dear All, On the following link, you can access the article titled “Becoming an ecologically sustainable country”, written by Prof. Dr. Zoran Shaurikj, UACS faculty member. The article has been published by the “Porta 3” magazine, which is the only professional magazine covering the areas of construction, architecture and ecology in the Repulic of Macedonia….
Guest lecture: How do private banks manage wealth? Last Thursday, the students of the School of Economics and Management were privileged to welcome Mr Jean-Louis De Hasque from Delen Private Bank Belgium and to delve into the realm of wealth management services and taxation. Mr De Hasque shared with us practical cases on successful finance…
On 14 May 2019, third year students from the School of Political Science were hosted at the Citizens Association MOST. The students had an opportunity to learn about the programs run by MOST, in particular those related to domestic observation of elections. This study visit is part of their activities within the course in Electoral Systems.
Second year students of UACS School of Business Economics and Management taking the course in International Business and Globalization with their course instructor, Makedonka Dimitrova, MPPM visited Skopje Fair – Tehnoma on October 21, 2016. Since fair exhibitions and attendance represent a major element of the internationalization strategies of all internationally present companies, it was…
Ви ја претставуваме нашата одлична група на истакнати говорители за форумот SHARE Skopje 2022! Форумот SHARE Skopje 2022 на 15-ти ноември ќе има одлична група на говорители од Холандија, Обединетото Кралство, Шпанија, Унгарија, Романија, Косово и Северна Македонија. Настанот ќе се одржи во Македонската филхармонија. Меѓународниот Архитектонски и Инженерски форум – SHARE го слави своето…
The CEEPUS (Central European Exchange Program for University Studies) office at UACS kindly invite all interested students from the School of Foreign Languages to a presentation and consultation for student mobility programs and student exchange opportunities for the Spring Semester in the Academic Year 2017/2018. Date: October 13, 2017 (Friday) Time: 11:00 a.m. Location: Room 3C…