UACS staff to the rescue
UACS would like to thank its staff for being helpful in times of need. We are proud of you all!
UACS would like to thank its staff for being helpful in times of need. We are proud of you all!
On 23-24 October 2018, the UACS School of Foreign Languages co-organised an international conference for its second time. This was the third international philological conference, held at Stanisław Staszic University of Applied Sciences in Piła, Poland, where the previous two conferences had also taken place. Besides the host institution and our university, the other organizers…
The Macedonian civic association KONEKT is aimed to stimulate and promote the private donation and social responsibility among companies and institutions for effective and long-term development of Macedonia. Konekt is a member of the Global Compact Network Macedonia and it concurrently represents the Secretariat of the Macedonian network, member in the National Coordinating Body on…
Dear UACS students, Presentation of the World Bank Western Balkan Regular Economic Report no.22 (WeBa RER) for the students and academic staff at the University American College Skopje. Time and date for the presentation is October 25 (Tuesday) at 14:00h at UACS Amphitheater A1. The team that will present the report are Sanja Madzarevic Sujster,…
Give a hand! Bring warmth to a family in need! The Student Council of University American College Skopje in collaboration with One Can and One Can – Youth is organizing a Humanitarian Action for single parent families affected by the pandemic. These families need our assistance and we will give our best efforts to help…
On December 19, 2016, UACS had the honor and privilege to host Mr. Jeffrey Alderman, the President and CEO of the Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs (ACBSP), USA. During his visit, Mr. Alderman met with the President of the General Assembly of the Macedonian Chamber of Commerce, Mr. Antoni Peshev (also former president…
Денеска, Универзитетот Американ колеџ Скопје (УАКС), во соработка со Министерството за надворешни работи и Дипломатскиот Клуб – Скопје ја организираа промоцијата на книгата „Дипломатски протокол, етикеција и кореспонденција“ од амбасадорот доц. д-р Данчо Марковски. Промоцијата се одржа во амфитеатарот на Министерството за надворешни работи. Промотори беа проф. д-р Иван Додовски, декан на Факултетот за политички…