UACS staff to the rescue
UACS would like to thank its staff for being helpful in times of need. We are proud of you all!
UACS would like to thank its staff for being helpful in times of need. We are proud of you all!
UACS SPS faculty member, Prof. Zoran Shapurikj, PhD, has published a scientific research paper titled: “The Future Perspectives of European Union Environmental Legislation”. The paper is published in the international journal “Mechanical Engineering – Scientific Journal”, Volume 34, No. 2, published by the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Skopje at the Ss. Cyril and Methodius University…
Ms. Karolina Karovska Bozinoska, head of Division for promotion, education and development at the Macedonian Stock Exchange was a guest lecturer at UACS, as part of the course “Financial markets and Institutions”, with lecturer Maja Parnardzieva-Zmejkova, PhD on March 8. Mr. Bozinovska presented the development of the Macedonian Stock Exchange, the organizational functionalities of the…
IN MEMORIAM: М-Р ИГОР АТАНАСОВ М-р Игор Атанасов, предавач на Факултетот за деловна економија и организациски науки при Универзитет Американ Колеџ Скопје, почина на 10 декември 2021 година. Тој засекогаш ќе остане запомнет по својата висока професионалност, посветеноста кон професијата и длабоката почит од страна на колегите и студентите. Комеморацијата во чест и спомен на м-р Игор…
Dear prospective students, The Call for Enrollment into First Cycle Undergraduate Study Programs of University American College Skopje in the Academic Year 2017/2018 – First enrollment period can be accessed at the following link. For any further information, please contact us at or at + 389 2 2463 156. Regards, University American College Skopje
UACS students taking the ‘Ecology and Sustainable Development’ course with the course instructor, Prof. Zoran Shapurikj, PhD, visited the factory Cementarnica USJE AD Skopje. During the visit, they had the opportunity to get acquainted with the work of the factory, and especially with the measures and activities for environmental protection.
Today, students from School of Business Administration at UACS have guest lecturer from Saïd Business School, University of Oxford who delivering a lecture on the topic: How social groups in work organizations collectively (and implicitly) imagine the future, and how this imagining relates to the strategy (explicitly) set by the organization.