UACS staff to the rescue
UACS would like to thank its staff for being helpful in times of need. We are proud of you all!
UACS would like to thank its staff for being helpful in times of need. We are proud of you all!
University American College Skopje (UACS) is proud to announce its 16th Annual International Conference on European Integration – AICEI2021. By addressing the theme this year’s conference seeks to assess the impacts of the COVID-19 crisis on societies, economies, business and individual and public health as fundamental concepts that foster the recovery responses of European countries…
Recently, our E-commerce and Innovation students had an exciting opportunity to visit two leading Macedonian e-commerce companies, Vendor and Ananas, as part of their hands-on learning experience, organized by Dr. Elena Gjorevska, Associate Professor at the UACS School of Business Economics and Management. An experience that offered insight into the practical challenges of the local…
Врз основа на член 11 од Статутот на Фондацијата за стипендирање и професионален развој на Универзитет Американ Колеџ Скопје, Управниот одбор на Фондацијата распишува КОНКУРС ЗА ТРИ СТИПЕНДИИ ЗА ПОСТДИПЛОМСКИ СТУДИИ ВО АКАДЕМСКАТА 2021/2022 ГОДИНА НА УНИВЕРЗИТЕТ АМЕРИКАН КОЛЕЏ СКОПЈЕ ОПШТИ ИНФОРМАЦИИ Фондацијата за стипендирање и професионален развој на Универзитет Американ Колеџ Скопје…
On 14 April 2021 Robert Alagjozovski, National coordinator for interculturalism, one society, cultural development and interministerial cooperation in the Government of the Republic of North Macedonia was a guest speaker for the students of the UACS School of Political Science who take the course in Multiculturalism with Prof. Ivan Dodovski, PhD. Mr. Alagjozovski presented the…
On December 19, 2016 our professor Nikica Mojsoska-Blazevski, PhD participated at a Workshop on “Challenges and road maps to social, economic and political inclusion of youth in the Republic of Macedonia”. The workshop was organized by Mladiinfo (an NGO) as part of the regional project titled YouthBank Hub. Prof. Nikica Mojsoska-Blazevski delivered a speech on…
Mobility Opportunities for UACS faculty, PhD candidates and students within the CEEPUS Program University American College Skopje is dedicated to offering mobility opportunities for its academic staff, PhD candidates and graduate and undergraduate students. It is one of the best ways to develop, grow, and learn. UACS has been part of the CEEPUS Program since…