UACS students were volunteers of Apostolic journey of Pope Francis
We’re so proud of our students who were volunteers of Apostolic journey of Pope Francis at Ecumenical and Interreligious meeting with young people!
We’re so proud of our students who were volunteers of Apostolic journey of Pope Francis at Ecumenical and Interreligious meeting with young people!
Денеска, Универзитетот Американ колеџ Скопје (УАКС), во соработка со Министерството за надворешни работи и Дипломатскиот Клуб – Скопје ја организираа промоцијата на книгата „Дипломатски протокол, етикеција и кореспонденција“ од амбасадорот доц. д-р Данчо Марковски. Промоцијата се одржа во амфитеатарот на Министерството за надворешни работи. Промотори беа проф. д-р Иван Додовски, декан на Факултетот за политички…
On 14 April 2021 Robert Alagjozovski, National coordinator for interculturalism, one society, cultural development and interministerial cooperation in the Government of the Republic of North Macedonia was a guest speaker for the students of the UACS School of Political Science who take the course in Multiculturalism with Prof. Ivan Dodovski, PhD. Mr. Alagjozovski presented the…
Изминатиот викенд, наставниот кадар, администрацијата и надворешните соработници на УАКС преку работилници и неформална дружба беа дел од GET INVOLVED VII тим билдингот.
Our Dean of the School of Business Economics and Management, Prof. Dr. Snezhana Hristova, recently attended the prestigious EFMD Accreditation Workshop in Sarajevo (October 14-16). An enriching experience in elevating academic excellence, it offered valuable insight into best practices that will help us further enhance our programs, student learning, and institutional benchmarks.
It was a great privilege being able to host Mr. Ljubisha Trpeski, Logistics Manager of APTIV group Macedonia to provide valuable practice based insights about Supply Chain Management practices with our students from 3rd year, course Business planning. Webinar key points covered: Supply Chain Management Definitions, Supply Chains in Manufacturing Companies, Measures of Supply Chains…
UACS is the only academic institution in the country that can offer graduate students the opportunity to apply for a Certified Management Accountant (CMA) scholarship. For more than 45 years, the CMA® (Certified Management Accountant) certification has been the global benchmark for management accountants and financial professionals. CMAs earn far more than professionals without the CMA…