Delta Mu Delta – Pi Alpha Chapter


What is an Honor Society?

An honor society is a rank organization in the United States that aims to recognize students who have excelled in a variety of fields, inviting students to join based on their academic excellence, and shown impressive leadership, service, and overall character. The societies tend to be highly prestigious, and it can be beneficial for student’s future to take part.


Delta Mu Delta is an international honor society in Business.


What is Delta Mu Delta?

Delta Mu Delta (DMD) is a business honor society that recognizes and encourages academic excellence of students at qualifying colleges and universities to create a DMD community that fosters the well-being of its individual members and the business community through life-time membership.

DMD was founded in 1913 by 5 faculty members at Harvard University, Yale University, and New York University.

You can read more regarding the history of DMD on the link below:


Delta Mu Delta – Pi Alpha Chapter at UACS

It is our honor and pleasure to inform you that since May 2016, DMD has a new chapter in North Macedonia – Delta Mu Delta Pi Alpha, which was established at University American College Skopje.


Delta Mu Delta Pi Alpha’s Board is as follows:

  • Tome Nenovski, PhD, President
  • Elena Matlievska, Vice-President
  • Leo Miloshevski, Secretary
  • Natalija Mirkovikj, Secretary
  • Meri Cvetanovska, Treasurer
  • Sofija Jovcheva, HR and Communications Officer
  • Marija Adjiev, Social Media and PR Officer
  • Elena Bundaleska, PhD, Faculty Adviser
  • Snezhana Hristova, PhD, Faculty Co-Adviser


Delta Mu Delta Pi Alpha chapter currently has 95 regular and 16 honorary members.


The honorary members of the Chapter are the following:

  • Evica Delova Jolevska;
  • Ilijanco Gagovski;
  • Zivko Gruevski;
  • Antoni Peshev;
  • Mihail Ognenovski;
  • Igor Velickovski;
  • Tome Nenovski;
  • Gligor Bishev;
  • Boris Hrisafov;
  • Nikica Mojsoska-Blazevski;
  • Filip Ivanovski;
  • Elena Mladenovska Jelenkovik;
  • Marjan Bojadjiev;
  • Luca Gnan;
  • Venera Krliu Handjiski; and
  • Nina Angelovska.


Membership benefits

“For business students looking to enhance their academic experience while earning their degree, Delta Mu Delta offers an opportunity to advance business knowledge, earn scholarships and network and build relationships.” – Grand Canyon University


Besides the benefits for the faculty advisers, the business units, and the society as a whole, the members will have benefits such as:

  • Lifetime recognition for outstanding achievement;
  • Global networking opportunities;
  • Additional recognition when employing;
  • Scholarship programs;
  • Top business magazine subscription for 1 year.


How to become a member?

Membership in DMD is the highest international recognition a student in Economics & Business can earn for his/her academic success.


The Chapter shall elect to membership business or commerce students of good standing, as defined by their institution, who are:

(a) Undergraduates and candidates with a cumulative grade point average of one-quarter (.25) of a step above a B, or better, and who are in the top 20 percent of their college class in cumulative average grades; or

(c) Graduate students in a master’s degree program and Doctoral students in a Ph.D. or D.B.A. program with a cumulative grade point average of six tenths (.6) of a step above a B, or better, and who are in the top 20 percent of their college class in cumulative average grades.


An invitation to join the Delta Mu Delta Chapter confirms that you have a proven track record of working hard to achieve excellence in your studies.  It shows that you have the knowledge and drive to succeed in a business career.


Delta Mu Delta Pi Alpha is expanding its network of honor students every year, encouraging every student to read more about DMD, the standards for the membership, and what the organization has to offer at the official website of Delta Mu Delta


Or find out more about our chapter on our social media:


For further information, please contact Ms. Elena Matlievska, Vice-President of Delta Mu Delta Pi Alpha Chapter at