UACS students won 1st and 3rd place at the EU quiz organized by European Movement

UACS students won 1st and 3rd place at the EU quiz organized by European Movement

It was so exciting to mark the EU day with the participation in the EU quiz organized by European Movement! Our students Tea Cvetanovska and Aleksandra Sipkovska from the School of Political Science at UACS were happy to take part in this quiz and win 1st and 3rd place. Congrats to both of them and we hope…

SBEM Career Seminar

SBEM Career Seminar

On 28th of April there was a Career Seminar as part of the Career Development course, in order for the students to practice interviewing and demonstrate skills that will help them obtain employment. 5 recruiters from well known and established companies interviewed all the students and provided feedback to their interviewing skills. The course started…

UACS student was a Georgian Ambassador for a Day

UACS student was a Georgian Ambassador for a Day

UACS is especially proud of Elena Bozhinovska, our student who had the honor to meet the President of Georgia, Ms. სალომე ზურაბიშვილი / Salome Zourabichvili , and attend the official welcoming ceremony of the President of Georgia by the President of the Republic of North Macedonia, Mr. Stevo Pendarovski, at Vila Vodno. Elena was also…

Online ROUND TABLE “The future of WB6: in the EU or beside it?”

Online ROUND TABLE “The future of WB6: in the EU or beside it?”

University American College Skopje, in collaboration with Economics and Business magazine, organized an online ROUND TABLE on the following topic: The future of WB6: in the EU or beside it? The round table discussion was focused on the possible scenarios regarding our country accession in the EU. A significant number of business organizations representatives attended…

UACS English language students teach English to primary school children

UACS English language students teach English to primary school children

The School of Foreign Language from the University American College Skopje has partnered with the public primary school Ss Cyril and Methodius, Municipality of Centre, Skopje, for its undergraduate and postgraduate students of English to provide online English language classes to the primary school children. This gives the University students the opportunity to develop knowledge…

Final Exam SCHEDULE (Spring 2021)

Final Exam SCHEDULE (Spring 2021)

Dear students, You may find the Final exam schedules for your school bellow: Распоред за Факултет за деловна економија и организациони науки за пролетен семестар 2021 Schedule for the School of Business Economics and Management for the Spring Semester 2021 Распоред за Факултет за архитектура и дизајн за пролетен семестар 2021 Schedule for the School of Political Science for the Spring Semester 2021 Schedule for the School of…

Prof Vaneva’s lecture at St. Petersburg State University

Prof Vaneva’s lecture at St. Petersburg State University

On 4 May 2021, Prof Dr Marjana Vaneva, from the School of Foreign Languages, was invited to deliver an open online lecture to the undergraduates, postgraduates and professors in the Department of English Language and Cultural Studies at St Petersburg State University in Russia. Dr Vaneva’s lecture was titled: The Art of Saying ‘No’: The…

ПЛАТЕНА ПРАКСА за УАКС студенти во Триглав Пензиско Друштво

ПЛАТЕНА ПРАКСА за УАКС студенти во Триглав Пензиско Друштво

Почитувани УАКС студенти, Во тек е отворен конкурс за ПЛАТЕНА ПРАКСА во Триглав Пензиско Друштво! Ве охрабруваме да се пријавите. Работните обврски на практикантите се следните: – Администрирање со индивидуални задолжителни, индивидуални доброволни сметки на членовите и професионални сметки на членовите на пензиските фондови; – Вчитување, контрола, корекции од електронска база на податоци; – Грижа за сметките и…