On 18 November, UACS School of Foreign Languages hosted a guest lecture of our Erasmus + visiting lecturer Katarzyna Demian from the Carpathian State College in Krosno (Poland).
She discussed the “Challenges of Translating Dialect in Fantasy: the “Scottish” inhabitants of Terry Pratchett’s Discworld” with the students and gave thoughtful insights in the art of translation.
Katarzyna Dziemian, MA teaches translation, English Literature, and Global Understanding at Carpathian State College in Krosno, where she is also the Global Understanding Coordinator. She is working on a PhD project on reader response in fantasy translation.
On 5 April 2018, the Rector of the University American College Skopje, Prof. Marjan Bojadjiev, PhD, participated in a public discussion on the draft Law on Higher Education. The discussion took place at the Boris Trajkovski Hall, at the premises of the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia. He attended the public discussion along with the University’s…
На 14 мај 2019 година, студентите по казнено право и казнено процесно право на додипломски студии и студентите на правосудна насока на втор циклус студии на Факултетот за правни науки при УАКС, остварија посета во КПД Идризово. На тој начин студентите лично се запознаа со животот и постапувањето со осудените лица, нивната ресоцијализација и третман…
‘Tis the season of giving, and we’re on a mission to make it truly magical! Join us at University American College Skopje and American High School Skopje in spreading joy through our yearly donation drive. Whether it’s food, clothes, or various household items, give what you can and make this truly a time of happiness…
The cooperation between the School of Architecture and Design and the municipalities in Macedonia is a long-term practice, implemented during the learning process at the undergraduate and graduate studies. Through the process of defining, research analysis and project implementation, the students, on the basis of their year of studies and their study concentration, possess the…
UACS Master students of Architecture and Design taking the course in Interior have visited the Head Office of ProCredit Bank in Skopje on 24 November 2016. The visit was part of their practical work conducted in the Interior course. The aim of the visit was the interior brand design of the Banks’ headquarters building made…
Today, UACS had the honor to host our guest speaker Sjoerd Peters, a senior lecturer from the Saxion University of Applied Sciences, providing his knowledge through the Erasmus Mobility Staff Program, organized by Prof. Marjan I. Bojadjiev, Ph.D. and Rector at the University American College Skopje. Speaking in front of our UACS students, his presentation focused…