Public Debt Management in the Republic of Macedonia

On 4 April 2018, Sanja Manasievikj Mancheva, MSc, Chair in Sector for Public Debt Management at the Department for Management of Public Debt and International Finance, Ministry of Finance, Republic of Macedonia, delivered a lecture on ‘Public Debt Management in the Republic of Macedonia’ for the UACS students in Business Economics and Management taking the course in Financial Markets and Institutions with Maja Parnardzieva Zmejkova, PhD.

The latter had the opportunity to learn through which type of government securities the public debt is being managed, and to learn about the latest experiences of the Ministry of Finance at the international money markets (the procedure for the Euro Bond issuance process, selection of an investment bank, selection of a law firm, credit rating provision policy, movement of the Euro Bond price, example of an early redemption of a debt, etc.).

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