Register for event organized by UACS School of Foreign Language and ELTAM (May 3rd)
2.) Afternoon Session – 17:00 – 18:30 PM
On 28 March 2017, UACS School of Law students taking the course in History of Law with the course instructor, Asst. Prof. Marina Andeva, PhD, had the possibility to follow a guest lecture on “Sharia law”. The lecture was delivered by Prof. Dr. Shaban Sulejmani, professor at the Faculty of Islamic Science – Skopje. During the presentation, Prof. Sulejmani…
On 17 th of December, 2019 UACS students of SPS Psychology as a part of the courses in Child and Adolescent Development and Health and Clinical Psychology led by the Assistant Professor Dimitrinka Jordanova Peshevska, had an excellent opportunity to follow the lecture on: “Developmental problems: obsessive-compulsive and other mental health problems in children and adolescents”, Assistant…
The School of Business Economics and Management and the UACS promote the development of a higher entrepreneurial culture through its participation in workshop “A Cross KIC Western Balkan HEInnovate”. HEInnovate is a self-assessment tool for Higher Education Institutions developed through a long-term partnership between the OECD and the European Commission. The initiative is an outcome of…
Цементарница УСЈЕ во склоп на Групацијата ТИТАН го потпиша Пактот за поддршка на младите на Европската унија (“Pact for Youth”), за зајакнување на партнерството помеѓу компаниите и образованието, а во насока на зголемување на можностите за вработување на младите талентирани луѓе. Како дел од Програмата за поттикнување на вработување и развој на млади таленти, Цементарница…
“Our doctoral degree offers specialized knowledge, and sharpens scientific research and international networking skills, with the ultimate goal of shaping candidates to contribute to their fields of study, a quality of ours that has become particularly recognized over the years.” Read the full interview of Prof. Dr Marjan Petreski, head of UACS’s Doctoral School, in…
On 4 April 2018, Sanja Manasievikj Mancheva, MSc, Chair in Sector for Public Debt Management at the Department for Management of Public Debt and International Finance, Ministry of Finance, Republic of Macedonia, delivered a lecture on ‘Public Debt Management in the Republic of Macedonia’ for the UACS students in Business Economics and Management taking the…