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Meeting with the Higher Education Accreditation Board
UACS Rector Marjan Bojadziev and Vice-Rector Venera Krliu had a meeting with the President Marjan Gjurovski and Vice-President Kushtrim Ahmeti from the Higher Education Accreditation Board, part of the Agency for Quality in Higher Education. The purpose of the meeting was to overcome possible problems in the accreditation process in order to significantly raise the…
Zlat Milovanovic Award Winner Iskra Dochovska – “An Unforgettable Journey of Learning and Exploration!”
The University American College Skopje is delighted to share the remarkable experience of our talented student, Iskra Dochovska, who recently attended the prestigious European Women in Tech Conference in the Netherlands, as the winner of the Zlat Milovanovic Award. A passionate and driven individual, Iskra had the privilege of immersing herself in an inspiring event…
Енергетска ефикасност и одржлив развој: иновативни решенија на студентите на УАКС
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Deloitte IT Internship Fest
Opportunities to start your career. Learn more by clicking the button below.
UACS students visit financial institutions as part of the Financial Markets and Institutions course
On 13 December 2018, the UACS School of Business Economics and Management students attending the Financial Markets and Institutions course taught by their instructor, Dr. Jadranka Mrshikj, visited several financial institutions. Ms. Evita Ivanova, Director of the Administrative and Financial Department and PR of the Macedonian Stock Exchange, presented the stock exchange operations and development. Ms. Tomovska, a head of…
Филип Димитровски,CEO на TIGО Finance, гостин предавач на УАКС
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