
UACS participation at ICT Pitch and Connect: Bringing Industry and Academia Together

Last Thursday, он November 23, at Public Room in Skopje, the University American College Skopje participated in “ICT Pitch and Connect: Bringing Industry and Academia Together,” organized by the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in North Macedonia, a platform for the ICT industry and academia in North Macedonia that promotes connection, collaboration, and exploration of potential partnerships.

Participating at this event, professors Vladimir Redevski Ph.D. and Irena Stojmenovska Ph.D. from the School of Computer Science and Information Technology at the University American College Skopje, showcased their expertise and insights on the importance of collaboration between academia and the industry. Delivering a presentation highlighting the importance of UACS SCSIT as a high-quality higher education institution in Computer Science and IT in the country, we are grateful for the opportunity to participate in this event amongst a select number of institutions from the sphere of higher education – University Ss Cyril and Methodius (FINKI), University Goce Delchev (Faculty of Informatics),

We sincerely thank the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in North Macedonia for the invitation to participate in this event and the opportunity to connect with industry professionals, showcase our faculty’s expertise, and explore potential future collaborations.

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