UACS staff to the rescue
UACS would like to thank its staff for being helpful in times of need. We are proud of you all!
UACS would like to thank its staff for being helpful in times of need. We are proud of you all!
Dear students, Bellow you can find the schedules for the make up exam session for each school accordingly: ФДЕИОН (поправна сесија пролет 2018) SBEM (make-up spring 2018) ФАД (поправна сесија пролет 2018) SPS (make- up spring 2018) SCSIT (make-up spring 2018) ФПРН (поправна сесија 2018) (3)
On 29 October 2020, the UACS Business Communication graduate class consisting of students from the School of Business Economics and Management, the School of Foreign Languages, and the School of Political Science Psychology department, with their course instructor Prof Dr Marjana Vaneva, hosted an online guest speaker. Mr Goran Gakidev, a Director of Consulting and…
On 16 April 2019, third year students from the School of Political Science, with their instructor Biljana Stefanovska, visited the offices of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in Skopje as part of their course in International Organizations & Institutions. Students had the opportunity to familiarize with the work of the international organizations on the ground, and…
Почитувани,Универзитет Американ Колеџ Скопје, на припадниците од исламска вероисповед им го честита претстојниот празник Рамазан Бајрам. Вам и на вашите најблиски ви посакуваме да празнувате во мир, радост, здравје, љубов и среќа. Ве известуваме дека по повод празникот, 04 јуни 2019 година (вторник) ќе биде неработен ден на УАКС. Со почит, Универзитет Американ Колеџ Скопје
Yesterday, the University American College Skopje participated in SUBEX 2023 – Job & Career Fair! During the fair, we had the pleasure of meeting and connecting with enthusiastic individuals who showed a keen interest in exploring the diverse range of Graduate programs on offer at the University American College Skopje, with our dedicated faculty members…
Dear UACS students, Let’s help each other and make our community grow! Based on a promotion project which was first introduced by the UACS marketing team for promoting UACS alumni students’ businesses, the UACS Student Assembly would now like to invite all UACS students to be a part of this great idea. Please present us your…