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UACS participated in the Open Days of Zdravko Cvetkovski and Georgi Dimitrov State High Schools in Skopje
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The Account Manager of Media House as a guest lecturer in Marketing Communications and Media course
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Студентите на УАКС во посета на депонијата „Дрисла”
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Честитка за среќни празници и известување за зимски распуст
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Book Promotion by ambassador Asst. Prof. Danco Markovski
On 28.09.2017, the book “Contemporary diplomatic methods and their implementation in the Macedonian diplomacy” by H.E. Danco Markovski, Assistant Professor at UACS School of Political Science, was promoted at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Macedonia. Promoters of the book were H.E. Milan Jazbec (ambassador of the Republic of Slovenia) and H.E….
Guest lecturer Dr. Milcho Demerdziev at the Cognitive Psychology course
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