Пракса за студенти од Правен Факултет

Пракса за студенти од Правен Факултет

Почитувани студенти од Факултетот за Правни науки, Македонското здружение на млади правници објави повик за вклучување во практикантска програма за млади правници, која ќе се спроведува во периодот од април до јуни 2020 година, во Скопје, Битола, Прилеп, Охрид, Струмица, Куманово и Тетово.  Програмата се спроведува во соработка со судовите во Република Северна Македонија, Народниот правобранител,…

UACS guest lecturer at the University of Applied Sciences Stanislaw Stasicz, Poland

UACS guest lecturer at the University of Applied Sciences Stanislaw Stasicz, Poland

Our English Language Lecturer, Tamara Jolevska Popov lecturing a group of future English teachers at the University of Applied Sciences Stanislaw Stasicz as an Erasmus exchange scholar. A great thank you to Prof. Marlena Bielak and the International Relations Team (Klaudia, Madga and Lukasz) for hosting Tamara. 

CEEPUS Linguistics Lecturer

CEEPUS Linguistics Lecturer

From 17 to 21 February 2020, Dr Agnieszka Bedkowska-Kopczyk, a Linguistics professor from the Slavic department of the University of Graz, Austria, visited UACS as a CEEPUS freemover, and taught Linguistics to the students from the School of Foreign Languages. Her open lecture was on 20 Feb, 2020, when she talked about Categorization of emotion…

UACS Student of psychology at a Training Course in Asnaes, Denmark

UACS Student of psychology at a Training Course in Asnaes, Denmark

“Youth is up for Changes” was a training course held at Asnaes, Denmark 13.1.-23.1.2020. Training Courses are a part of the Erasmus Plus program meant to add new and update existing skills for Youth Activists, Educators, Active Citizens and Representatives of NGO’s. Done Donev, a student of UACS Department of Psychology was part of the…



The Assembly of the Republic of North Macedonia held a one-day seminar for UACS students from the Schools of Law and Political Science. Through a range of interactive sessions, role-play, guessing games and presentations, students had the opportunity to get acquainted with the past, historical processes, events and persons that have left their mark on…

Повеќе од 25 компании беа присутни на Денови на кариера на УАКС

Повеќе од 25 компании беа присутни на Денови на кариера на УАКС

Вчерашниот настан Денови на Кариера помина одлично! Повеќе од 25 компании имаа можност да се сретнат со студентите, и да ги регрутираат своите потенцијални кадри. Додека пак, студентите одблиску се запознаа со работните позиции и праксите и имаа навистина голем избор во дејностите за кои беа заинтересирани. Настанот во текот на изминатите две недели на…

Guest Lecturer at UACS

Guest Lecturer at UACS

The graduate students following the course Financial Reporting and Financial Statements Analyzes with prof. Mrsik analyze a company shares during the lecture on 21st of March, 2020 by Mr Goran Martinoski, a head of Asset Management Department, and Mr Rumen Krepiev, an asset management specialist, in KB First pension company Skopje. 

EIT Digital at UACS

EIT Digital at UACS

This February, Ms. Jasmina Popovska, representative of EIT Digital venture gave a presentation in front of 20+ students of SCSIT about potentials for support of their business ideas. UACS professors, Marija Stanojeska, PhD (Business module 2) and Veno Pachovski, PhD (Databases) were also present. EIT Digital is a knowledge and innovation community, supported by the…