Guest lecture on the topic “HRM strategic development”, held by Prof. Mohamed Albeshr, part of International Week at UACS

Yesterday, as part of the International Week at UACS, guest lecture on the topic “HRM strategic development” was held by Prof. Mohamed Albeshr

Prof. Mohamed Albeshr is a holder of a Ph.D. degree in General Management coming from Abu Dhabi, UAE. He started as Assistant Teacher and then he become an Instructor at Management and Law Dept. in the “Università Degli Studi Di Roma”. Rrespectively he became an Assistant Professor when he was with Rabdan Academy in UAE, at Policing & Security Dept.

Over his 7-year teaching career, he taught 4 different undergraduate and 2 different graduate courses, in Management and Business Administration, Strategic Management, International Security and Homeland Security, Human Capital and he has been supervisor of over 4 graduate students in Master Degree in Security and Strategic Studies and has also supervised numerous undergraduate senior essays. Prof. Mohamed is a holder of Evaluation Communities Member – European Management Journal and Judging Communities at The Stevie ®Awards and has been involved in many International collaborations.

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