Guest lecturer in Marketing Management Class

On 21 November 2016, Mrs. Jasmina Majstoroska, PhD from the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Macedonia was a guest lecturer in the Marketing Management course followed by third-year Marketing students at UACS School of Business Economics and Management.

Dr. Majstorovska delivered a presentation on the topic of: “Policies for supporting competitiveness and implementation of marketing tools”.

During the guest lecture, she presented practical examples regarding the experience of Poland, which still works on its national brand. After the presentation, the students were divided in working groups, which will work towards providing possible solutions for implementation of national branding in the Republic of Macedonia.

At the end of the lecture, Mrs. Jasmina Majstorovska, PhD was awarded a Certificate of Appreciation on part of the course instructor, Asst. Prof. Krum Efremov, PhD.


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