“Leaders of the Green Economy” closing Conference

On February 16th, the final conference of the “Leaders of the Green Economy”, a project supported by the Erasmus+ program and organized by UACS, was held at the M6 Educational Centre in Skopje, encapsulating a project two years in the making. In cooperation with our partners from the Business School DOBA, Slovenia; the University of Rijeka, Croatia; and the Angel Kanchev University in Ruse, Bulgaria, the goal of this project was to create a current analysis of teaching and learning practices for circular economy in the region, at the university level.

With the aim to celebrate the achievements of this joint project, and highlight the impact that the program has had on individuals and communities committed to driving positive change in the area of circular economy, the students involved in this final conference reached out to a wider audience with a message of environmental stewardship and responsible leadership for a greener future.

We are grateful to everyone who was a part of this project, making this joint effort a reality, and we extend our special thanks to our partner Education Centre M6 for their support during the implementation of the final conference.

For more information about the project, please visit: https://rb.gy/k9tc8i

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