Search Results for: erasmus

Entrepreneurial Field Trip for students from NOVA International Schools

Entrepreneurial Field Trip for students from NOVA International Schools

On March 20, 2017 (Monday), UACS organized the first Entrepreneurial Field Trip for the 9th, 10th and 11th graders from NOVA International Schools.     Bettina Jones, MA, faculty member of UACS School of Foreign Languages was the moderator of the event. She welcomed the NOVA students and wished them a fruitful and successful field…

Assoc. Prof. Ilijana Petrovska, PhD as a visiting professor at the University of Applied Sciences Worms, Germany

Assoc. Prof. Ilijana Petrovska, PhD as a visiting professor at the University of Applied Sciences Worms, Germany

During the period 30 January to 5 February, 2017, UACS SBEM faculty member, Assoc. Prof. Ilijana Petrovska, PhD was a visiting professor in Marketing Management course, which is taught to undergraduate students at the International Business Administration – IBA program at the University of Applied Sciences Worms, Germany.   The visiting lectures were organized as…

Dr. Ivan Dodovski teaching at Derby University, UK

Dr. Ivan Dodovski teaching at Derby University, UK

Dr. Ivan Dodovski, Associate Professor and Dean of the UACS School of Political Science has been invited to teach at the University of Derby, UK as part of the EU Erasmus+ exchange programme between our two universities. Between 1 and 15 February 2017, Dr. Dodovski has delivered lectures for undergraduate and post-graduate students taking the…

School of Foreign Languages

WHO WE ARE The UACS School of Foreign Languages offers an exceptional academic curriculum that enables our students to acquire unique knowledge, develop outstanding language and literacy skills, and gain valuable experience. Designed to meet the needs of the language professionals, students at our School are introduced to modern methodology in teaching English language and…

School of Political Science

WHO WE ARE The School of Political Science offers a rich academic curriculum that exposes our students to the cutting-edge knowledge in the field of political science, international communication and economic diplomacy. It provides students with a unique opportunity to explore and understand politics both as a science and a profession. The courses are designed…

Professor honoris causa

UACS awarded the title Professor Honoris Causa to Prof. Luca Gnan, PhD on September 25, 2022 Prof. Luca Gnan, PhD, is a professor and scientist from Italy in the domain of business administration. In his long career, prof. Gnan has taught at the University Bocconi in Milano, Italy, and since 2005, at the Tor Vergata…

Еразмус +

Еразмус + програма Што претставува Ерасмус + програмата ? Еразмус + е програма воведена од страна на Европската Комисија која им овозможува на студентите од Европските земји да студираат и да ги довршат дел од своите студии надвор во некоја друга држава која има еразмус + програма. Кој може да се приклучи кон Ерасмус +…