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Linguistics Guest Lecturer from Austria
On 17 April 2019, Dr Agnieszka Bedkowska-Kopczyk, Assistant Professor from the University of Graz, Austria, gave a linguistics guest lecture at the UACS School of Foreign Languages. The presentation (part of her recent study) titled ‘Being moved, touched, shaken: How sensory-motor experience shapes conceptualization of mental states in English and Slavic languages (Evidence from Polish,…
Final Exam SCHEDULE (Spring 2022)
Dear students, You may find the Final exam schedules for your school bellow: Распоред за Факултет за деловна економија и организациони науки за пролетен семестар 2022 Schedule for the School of Business Economics and Management for the Spring Semester 2022 Распоред за Факултет за архитектура и дизајн за пролетен семестар 2022 Schedule for the School of Political Science for the Spring Semester 2022 Schedule for the School of…
Functioning of investment funds in the Republic of Macedoni
On 11 April 2018, Goran Markovski, MSc, Chief Executive Director and Member of the Board of Directors of Investment funds management company KB Publikum Invest AD Skopje, delivered a presentation on ‘Functioning of investment funds in the Republic of Macedonia’ for the second-year students in Accounting and Audit and the third-year students in Finance at…
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Почитувани студенти, Чест ни е да ви ги претставиме АЛУМНИ бизнисите кои станаа дел од иницијативана на Универзитетското Студентско Собрание при УАКС. Сите подолу наведени бизниси им нудат значителен попуст на студентите на УАКС, со цел нивно поддржување и промоција. За секој бизнис следат дополнителни информации, соодветно. Се надеваме ќе ги поддржите, и во иднина…
UACS participates in the Open Days of Orce Nikolov and Nikola Karev State High Schools in Skopje
On March 15, 2018, UACS participated in the Open Days of Orce Nikolov and Nikola Karev State High Schools in Skopje. During the visit, Orce Nikolov high school graduates had the opportunity to attend a lecture delivered by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Dimitar Kovachevski, faculty member of the UACS School of Business Economics and Management. His presentation covered the topic of marketing,…
Prof Marjana Vaneva, PhD publishes an indexed paper with SFL Alumni
UACS professor, Prof Dr Marjana Vaneva – Dean of the School of Foreign Languages – and the SFL UACS alumni, Marija Ivanovska, MA in English language teaching, have published a Linguistics paper, titled ‘Pragmatics of English Speech Acts: Compliments Used by Macedonian Learners’. The coauthored paper has appeared online in the International Journal of English…