Assoc. Prof. Dr. Dodovski at Shklovsky Jubilee Conference in Germany

Dr. Ivan Dodovski, Associate Professor of Critical Theory at UACS, has participated at the international conference ‘One Hundred Years of Ostranenie’, which was held on December 15-17th 2016 at the University of Erfurt in Germany.

He presented a paper titled ‘Shklovsky and Koneski: Ostranenie in Macedonian scholarship and the Future of Poetry’.

This important international conference was organized to mark the 100 year anniversary of the term ostranenie introduced in 1916 by Viktor Shklovsky, one of the founders of Russian Formalism. Ostranenie (also known as “defamiliarization”, “estrangement”, “enstrangement”, or ochuduvanje in Macedonian) became a crucial concept in literary studies, and important in the study of cinema and visual art. It is about rendering the usual extraordinary and thus making the reader (or viewer) perceive it anew. The term has been commented on and developed in countless ways, in monographs and in whole special issues of scholarly periodicals. Tracing these paths is tracing the history of modern literary theory itself. The OPOYAZ – the Society for the Study of Poetic Language, which formed in Petrograd around Shklovsky – also celebrates its centennial in 2016.

The conference in Erfurt has gathered more than 50 scholars beyond Slavic and literary departments who discussed various aspects of the huge legacy of Russian Formalism and Shklovsky.

Details about the conference are available at the following link.

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